Kiruv/Outreach Person
After you join
In Judaism we can ask questions.
You don’t need to know that.
Every food has a kosher
counterpart with the same taste.
Want some cholent with your kugel?
You’ll make new friends.
Sorry, I have to go Maariv.
You’ll make new friends.
Sorry, my wife needs my help all
this week.
All Jews are important.
Feh, he’s a baal a bayis.
The rabbi first poskins the
Rabbi Bernstein: Study more Torah.
Rabbi Plotkin: Study more Torah Rabbi Schmelsky: Study more Torah.
The mitzvas are so meaningful.
You are mechuyav.
The mitzvos are so meaningful.
One word of Torah is worth all
your mitzvos.
We have people in all kinds of
You must stay in learning.
Torah can be kept anywhere.
You are mechuyuv to live in Israel.
Torah can be kept anywhere.
You can’t live there. They don’t
have a yeshiva.
Our rabbis are experts also in
secular knowledge.
The world is all narishkite.
Be a light unto the nations.
Goyim are as useful as chumas.
Come for Shabbos.
Sorry my sister is staying with us
this month and my brother next month and my daughter this summer.
We have large families.
She doesn’t want a baal teshuvah.
The Torah has 70 faces.
We obey the gadolim.
The Torah is huge.
Oh, I’ll use my ailu metzius from
last year.
God loves every Jew.
You’ll get gehnnom for that.
Klal Yisroel is a family.
Excuse me, I have been davening
here for 10 years and we have never spoken.
Judaism your way.
Gadolim, gadolim, gadolim,
We teach the young to honor their
Don’t talk to your parents. They
are traife.
We have strict laws against
Rabbi Schwartz told me bad things
about you.
We have different paths, but we
respect each other.
He said a rebbi-ish vort.
Shabbos is a treasure.
5:10, 5:15, 5:16. Four hours to
There are thousands of books of
We have a shiur in Mishneh Breruah,
hilchos Shabbos.
Everything is in it.
Niddah brings closeness to the
What, you found blood again?
You are made b’zelem Elokim.
You’re a nothing, a nobody.
We embrace Jews of all
Your stupid reform confirmation
ceremony was goyish and a waste of time.
Anything you do now, you’ll be
better at.
Bitul Torah, bitul Torah.
We have our own dancing.
Judaism on your terms.
We follow the gadolim.
Talmud Torah c’neged culam. Talmud
Torah c’neged culam.
The Chumash is the word of God.
That’s bitul Torah. We learn
Gemara here.
The Rabbi loves all Jews.
I’m going to leave.
Slip out the back door so nobody
sees you.
Judaism on your schedule.
I’m taking a walk.
Did you ask reshus (permission) of
the Rosh Yeshiva?
Judaism on your schedule.
Chaim, wake up for shacharis.
I want to get close to God.
We can help you with that.
A relationship with God is for the
Christians. We learn.
He’s a genius. He knows
I’m not interested in that. I
learn more important things.
Jewish growth with a guide who
encourages critical thinking, in-depth questioning and open discussion
without boundaries.
Do what you rav tells you.
The Gemara is full of wisdom for
We skip over that section.
No, it’s fair because any goy can
become a Jew.
Call me in six months. You have to
prove your commitment. We can cancel your application at any time for any
reason. You have to pay $1,500.
Come get your spiritual
With what may one light the
Shabbat lamp, and with what may one not light it? One may light neither with
cedar bast nor with uncombed flax, nor with raw silk, nor with willow bast, nor
with desert weed, nor with green moss that is on the surface of the water.
No it’s fair because any goy can
become a Jew.
Actually, we changed our minds,
come back when you have six figures. You'll be a burden on klal Yisroel.
He works in kiruv. He’s so
What, he makes $135,000 a year
doing that?
There are 70 faces to Torah.
Modern Orthodoxy is traife!
Judaism on your terms.
Reform is nothing.
Attain greatness.
Our goal is to break the students
and build them back up again.
All Jews are equal. We don’t have
prejudice here.
He’s just a ger and a schvartsa.
Every Jew is special.
How dare you, who do you think you
are, you nothing, you nobody.
Look at the beauty of creation how
it shows God’s greatness.
There is no emes in the world
except for the Yeshiva. Look at your chavrusa, not the tree.
You’ll have no worries. Hashem
takes care of everything.
We are surrounded by enemies! The
world is trying to destroy us!
website photo:
You have to learn for a few years
before you can date. In the meantime, don’t touch your penis.
website photo:
Don’t look at a woman’s pinky.
website photo:
We are not like those goyim who
drink with women at bars.
website photo:
You can’t shake a woman’s hand.
You’ll have no worries. Hashem
takes care of everything.
Rabbi, I put the fork on the meat
counter. Is it ruined?
The main thing in a shidduch is
making sure you have common values and life goals
Does he have a rav? Who is his
rav? Does his rebbe know he’s in shidduchim? Who was his Rebbe in
yeshiva gedolah?
The Gemara says you can do
anything in bed.
I’m not doing that. It’s
The rabbi is brimming with Ahavas
He’s not seeing anyone. Even
important people can’t get in to see him.
We’ll go to Dallas and do kiruv.
We have enough money now. We don’t
need to do kiruv anymore.
And that’s why Rav Yaakov kept
gebrachs for the rest of his life because emes is essential.
If we didn’t tell them all this,
nobody would come.
Come try our yeshiva, free room
and board.
What do you mean you don’t have
money for tuition? Send him to public school if you don’t like it.
The shidduch system is so much
better than what the goyim do.
I’ve dated 100 men. I can’t find
the right one.
Women are more spiritual.
Women are emotional and irrational
and almost have din of a shoteh. You have to make her happy.
The Jews are a people of
That’s just too bad. Get used to
We have our own music.
Toras emes, v’Toroso emes, Toras
emes, v’Toroso emes.

Love comes after marriage.
Marriage is an avodah. You have to
make the best of it.
The goyim divorce. We don’t have
divorce. We marry for life.
There’s so many agunos! We must
Jews will do anything for one
Where’s your rent? I’m calling the
The goyim are violent.
Three rabbis were arrested today
for using stun guns on men who weren’t giving gets.
The goyim are violent.
A rabbi in Williamsburg was
arrested today for beating a student.
Goyim are perverts.
A rabbi in Washington was arrested
today for spying on women in the mikvah.
We must fight anti-semitism.
He’s just a stupid goy. Who care
if he dies.
Welcome the ger for you were gerim
in Egypt.
Gerim bring their goyishkeit into
Yiddishkeit, gross.
Tefillah is so meaningful.
I already said ashrei. We say it
Israel has the most moral army in
the world.
The soldier emailed his friend a
video of he and another soldier using electric shock on a Palestinian
You’re not allowed to remind
someone of their past.
Are you a BT? Are you a BT? How
long have you been a BT? When did you become a BT?
A baal teshuvah is higher than a
doesn’t want to date a BT.
A baal teshuvah is higher than a
so you’re a baal teshuvah. Oh.
The women give after marriage.
want a new kitchen.
We cherish every Jew.
No one will miss you if you leave.
You are going to be so happy.