Friday, July 29, 2022

Manalism again

"His greatness was Torah. His life was Torah. Everything about him was Torah. Nothing else mattered to him outside of Torah." article

This is a actually a slander. Did God matter to him? Did Klal Yisroel matter? Did mitzvos matter? I would hope so. Shlomo said, the sum of the matter is that all is heard, Fear Elokim and keep His commandments. That is the sum of the man." 

Is all that inclused in the word Torah? If you spend any time around these people, you'll see that mostly they mean Gemara lomdus. That other stuff takes a back seat. Here's an entire article about a religious man's life and nothing is said about his interest in God. I'm not blaming him. I'm accusing the article of secularity that's disguises itself as religion. All you have to do is say Torah many times and you a now a man of God. 

You are seeing here Manalism in action. They boil all of the universe into one battle cry. This empowers them to shout and rant and sound so passionate. But God, life, and Torah are way more complex than that.

And by the way, isn't this comment a kind of idolatry: "He beheld gadlus baTorah of a rare stature. Kol roz lo anus lei. There was nothing he didn’t know, all of Torah on his fingertips." This isn't to disparage Rav Chaim, but nothing he didn't know? Doesn't that describe God. People get mad at Lubavitch for the way they talk about the Rebbe. Is this comment any different? It's not a surprise. When you push God out of the picture, you are going to make gods out of men. 

Here's another example:

Rabbi Mordechai Gifter often related his memories of his arrival in Telz and finding that the only thing that existed there was Torah.

Nothing exists except for Torah? Do Jews exist?  Does God exist? Why is it acceptable to talk like this?

Here's more:

"The idea of the highest form of Torah, this is what Reb Aharon brought to America. This highest form of sitting and learning l’sheim Shomayim. Sitting and learning and nothing else mattered. This is what he put and planted in America."

That's how they are describing Reb Aharon, but that may say more about the writer than Reb Aharon. Same with Rav Gifter. I doubt they would have achieved greatness in learning if all they cared about was learning. There's tremendous siata d'sheymaya in becoming a great scholar and I doubt it that's going to happen to a person who doesn't care about Hakodesh Baruch Hu and mitzvos and klal Yisroel.

If you find that your kids are not inspired by this, if they are bored in yeshiva, frustrated, is it any wonder why? They are Jews. They need an experience of Hashem. They need to be conscious of Hashem. You want to say the Gemara is Hashem? I have heard that from people. So when the Gemara in Beitzah says there are two explanations for why spice can be ground on Yom Tov and there are two Amararim who offered the explanations but the Gemara doesn't know which explanation goes with which Amora, that's Hashem? And the fact that the shakel v'tarya that we are used to seeing started around the time of Rav and Shmuel or maybe even later, that's Hashem? That's all  you need? Nothing else matters? Nothing else exists?

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