Monday, February 22, 2021

is this the diff between the Manalim and Chassidim?

Do you see this fine thing?
Do you admire the humanity of it?
Because the Human Beings, my son,...
...they believe everything is alive.
Not only man and animals,...
...but also water, earth, stone.
And also the things from them,... that hair.
The man from whom this hair came,...
...he's bald on the other side,...
...because I now own his scalp.
That is the way things are.
But the white men,...
...they believe
everything is dead:...
...stone, earth, animals,...
...and people,
even their own people.
If things keep trying to live,
white men will rub them out.
That is the difference.

Did the Manalim pick this up from the goyim?

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

fear based kiruv

fear shuts down frontal brain function. you can no longer think, examine, process, question. you accept what you hear and do it with certainty.

you give up your autonomy and are furious with yourself for not trusting your instincts, you got snuckered

when you follow false gods, whether they be doctors, politicians, leaders of any kind, academia, whatever, all hell breaks loose

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

i begin with the experiential side

i begin with the experiential side. that take roots in a person and the likelyhood is that something of Elokis will come in a take that person further.