A blog for people who seek alternative approaches to kiruv and the baal teshuvah experience.
Friday, December 13, 2024
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Midwestern work ethic
guess where Akon (the black guy telling the story) is from. Metro NEW YORK!
The Rebbe was against Zionism
The Rebbe was against Zionism
אמנם צריכים להיות נגד הציונות, אך את האנשים המחזיקים בה באופן אישי יש לקרב, כלומר: מקרבים כל יהודי מאחר שהוא יהודי, אך לא מקרבים יחד איתו את הציונות שבו ח"ו
שיחות קודש תשכ"ז ח"ב ע' 407
It is true that we must be against Zionism, but one should still engage in outreach with the people who cling to it. That is to say, one should do kiruv with every Jew because he is a Jew. However, the Zionism should not be brought in along with him.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Sichos Kodesh, 5727, p. 407
Thursday, November 21, 2024
And do not forsake the instruction (torah) of your mother;
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Why are you the only one?
Years ago I attended a dysfunctional yeshiva. It's known even today to be a crazy place. Several formers students who are no longer frum have blogs on line where they complain about it. The head of the place, an insurance salesmen who used his uncle's money to start a yeshiva, was a mess of a person. He could not give a class in Gemara or halacha or anything. He had almost no experience in education, was anti-intellectual, viewed all questions as coming from the yetzer hara, and restricted his 'program' to two classes - Chumash and Gemara, even though it was a school for baalei teshuvah. There was no library. Guest speakers were not allowed. It was located on an isolated hilltop. When I asked for classes in Hebrew, halacha, mishnah, history, I was denied. When I complained about the place he said to me, "Why are you the only one?" Since 1/3 of the guys left in my year, I wondered how I could be the only one, but that's what he said to me.
Monday, September 16, 2024
Sunday, September 15, 2024
A little while back, a neighbor of mine, a rabbi, gave me a lift in his car. He asked me what I have been doing lately. I said "mitzvos." He countered, "Torah and mitzvos." Evidently, it was not exciting to him that a Jew is doing mitzvos (even though Torah study is a mitzvah). You know and I know that if I had answered, "Torah," he would have said, "great, what mesechta?" He wouldn't have said, "What about mitzvos?"
I was at bar mitzvahs simcha, and the father kept talking about how his son is shteiging in Gemara. We heard nothing about the boy doing mitzvos. Even a bar mitzvah isn't about mitzvos anymore. I wanted to tell the father, it's not a bar Gemara, it's a bar mitzvah. Of course, the main subject of the Gemara is mitzvos, but people have found a way to get around that by turning all Gemara study into abstract lomdus. I don't blame the father really. He has been conditioned to ignore mitzvos. He gets propagandized constantly.
It is quite amazing that a person should be made to feel like an apikoros only for asking that mitzvos be mentioned from time to time in the yeshiva world. As for mentioning Hashem, that's a dream. I have sat through multi-hour fundraising dinners for yeshivas where Hashem wasn't mentioned even 1 time! That includes Ohr Yehoshua dinners.
The Chofetz Chaim, who was a yeshiva man, wrote an entire book for baalei batim about mitzvos. Evidently, he deemed the topic worthwhile. Times changed from the days of the Vilna Gaon, in whose time everyone did mitzvos, but maybe didn't study enough Torah.
And long before that, Shlomo the king wrote, "The end of the matter, everything having been heard, fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the entire man." So I am going with Shlomo, the wisest of men, and with the Chofetz Chaim. We must value the mitzvos. And we talk about whatever we value. And if we don't talk about it, we don't value it.
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
the difference
This woman did a prank on her mother, asking people to honk and flip off her mother during a drive. Here are some of the hilarious and clever comments people left.
She went from angry driver, to the Road Rage Warrior, to full on conspiracy theorist in one short drive.She went from mildly annoyed, to truly angry, to genuinely concerned for the entire planet“You know what? Fuck you! You goof!” Has got to be the best mom line in historyIf I did this as a child I probably wouldn't be an adult right now.You would not see funny and fun comments like this if the commenters were frum. You'd hear, what about civud av 'vaim? This is a chilul Hashem. It's not respectful. It's a sakanah.All shame and being uptight.There's no humor, no fun, no happiness in the frum world.
Doesn't have to be that way. But it is.
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
An affirmation for dating
I never
force anyone to choose me. If you think you can find something better elsewhere
then go ahead. I’m not holding you back. Life’s too short to hang on to someone
who is not sure they want to stay. I believe in freedom, in the truth of
feelings. If you must stay, let it be your heart tells you this is where you
belong. Not because I asked you too. I want to be a choice. Not a default
option. I deserve someone who sees my value, who understands what I bring to
their life. I don’t want someone who stays with me out of fear of loneliness or
out of habit. I want someone who stays for who I am, not who you want me to be.
The door is always open. You are free to leave at any time.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Have You Lost Yourself?
Proof: if you are feeling that you are not yourself – then who are you and who is doing the estrangement? The narcissist’s introject.
Introjecting the entraining narcissist generates a schizoid state (emptiness) which mimics the narcissist’s.
Schizoid state as adaptation to narcissistic abuse. Split negative internal objects become identified with the Self and the victim defends against these negative thoughts by dissociating the Self altogether.
Yet, if the narcissist’s introject is in charge, takes over – why the estrangement? Owing to encounters with repressed former self.
Approach-avoidance repetition compulsion with an objectified, mythologized, idealized self (relic of narcissist’s idealization and nostalgia).
Alienating self-consciousness and introspection.
Friday, August 16, 2024
set times
But this raises the question: How can it be
considered a “career in Torah” when you know, that just before you sat down to
study and immediately afterwards you’ll be in a completely different state of
mind? This is explained by the Alter Rebbe in Tanya that a union with G-d
exists eternally above. When you engage in Torah and its commandments, although
there was a time before you put on tefillin, for example, which is symbolic of
all of Torah, and a time when you will remove them, and no longer wear them, nevertheless
the “union” with God you created through them is eternal, an everlasting union.
There’s nothing miraculous to it; in fact, it’s
quite self-evident. If time and space were both created for the purpose of
fulfilling Torah and its precepts this is proof that Torah and its precepts
exist on a higher plane than time and space. So, when you fulfill a commandment
even though it was performed within a specific timeframe and not earlier or later
– as stipulated by Torah – its effect is not subject to these limitations,
given that the commandments are higher than time and space, which were only created
for their sake, they are higher than the limitations of time and space.
The lesson from all of this is clear: everyone
has their set times for Torah study, which they will surely make their best
effort to increase. But practically speaking, your Torah study should reflect a
“career in Torah.”
Lubavitcher Rebbe
forty for understanding
“At forty for understanding, at fifty to [give] counsel." Avos 5:21
Thursday, August 15, 2024
control of your life
The fastest way to take control of your life
is to stop controlling everyone around you. You have no idea how time and
energy and attention you are wasting trying to control other people. You have
no idea how much energy you are burning through thinking about, worrying about,
obsessing about what other people are doing, what they’re not doing, what
they’re feeling, all which you have zero control over.[1]
Friday, August 9, 2024
Thursday, August 1, 2024
here's tom brady making sure his receivers are not discouraged
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Based on droshos by Rav Moshe Sternbuch shlita, raavad of Yerushalayim. To receive these weekly divrei Torah email benipray@netvision.net.il.
פ' בשלח תשפ"א
Monday, June 17, 2024
watch out for bt rabbis
Rav Avigdor Miller said, “Now when a convert or a ba’al teshuva comes to the Jewish people, he has to know that he has to be a follower – he has to listen. But sometimes a ba’al teshuva comes in and he takes over. Right away he wants to teach all the old-time Jews how to be real Jews! He knows better! So what does he do? He follows the models that he formed in the gentile world or in the non-religious world. It happens.”[1]
Thursday, May 30, 2024
where will you be
You are Joe from Chicago. You start keeping mitzvos and slowly incorporating Torah values into your thinking. You don't have to become a Mir Yeshiva man or a Belzer Chosid or a Religious Zionist, replacing your wardrobe and your speech patterns with theirs. You can if you want, but you are not required to. It might not even be advisable. You might be told to forget your career plans, drop your hobbies, lose your friends, and even to cut off relations with your family and to dedicate your life to Gemara study. You might even be tempted if you are enjoying the Gemara study and feel that you have entered a new world that is embracing you. But beware, all of that might fade to large extent and then where will you be?
Thursday, May 23, 2024
The trajectory of feminism
grandmother - If you are happy I am happy.
mother - If I am happy, you are happy.
Thursday, May 16, 2024
a fair chance
a fair chance
"I think that the definition of a good society is where everybody has a fair chance at life's happiness. Now as you know most people mess it up. They have the chance but for this or that reason they mess it up. And they ruin their lives even though they had a chance."
Norman Finkelstein, INTERVIEW: Norman Finkelstein | The sickness of capitalism, Israel's war in Gaza & German complicity, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G__W0B_8ZoA, 1:05:32
If she balks, I walk.
To the sick mind healthy people are boring. They want excitement. They want to be cool. They don't want to live in places like Montana or West Virginia. Too many Churches. They want Hollywood, Manhattan, Miami. You know a person by what he wants. And shallow, pretentious people need excitement to feel alive. They don't know what to do with themselves in quiet places. They don't want to be a state assemblyman in North Dakota. They want to work for a Congressman on the Beltway in DC near all the psychopaths who vote for military aid to dictatorships.
With Orthodox Jews, the sick ones, it's New York or Israel. Every other place is just laughable. But the joke is on them, because New York grinds you down with greed. And Israel is all war, war of every kind, all day long war, but mostly a war against religion.
Next time I go on a shidduch, I'll ask, how would you feel about living in St. Louis, Missouri. If she balks, I walk.
Monday, May 13, 2024
a fair chance
"I think that the definition of a good society is where everybody has a fair chance at life's happiness. Now as you know most people mess it up. They have the chance but for this or that reason they mess it up. And they ruin their lives even though they had a chance."
Norman Finkelstein, INTERVIEW: Norman Finkelstein | The sickness of capitalism, Israel's war in Gaza & German complicity, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G__W0B_8ZoA, 1:05:32
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Friday, April 5, 2024
Baba Matzia 85
Yehuda HaNasi was punished with intestinal problems for saying "Go for this you were created," to a terrified calf that was on the way to the slaughter house. He was cured only after he later instructed a maidservant to spare a weasel that she was chasing from the house, saying "His compassion is on all His works."
Believe it or not this is part of Judaism. I suspect that the Litvish world picked up some of the cruelty of Eastern Europe and, in their way, attempted to convert it to religious philosophy. And so they have made a mantra of pain, that everything is supposed to be painful. When you go to these guys for aitzah, they tell you to take the most painful course of action. Of course, they don't do that to themselves. Hypocrisy they didn't get from Eastern Europe. That's just yetzer hara.
The Baal Shem Tov came long to return us to the ways of old, a Judaism that is suffused with mercy and love. So of course, some Litvacks went to war against this as they learned from the Russians a tendency toward combativeness and arrogance.
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
word salad, not answering a question directly, not being able to explain the why of any behaviornot taking responsibility for misbehavior, lacking empathy -- showing only a drop of empathy that is dropped whenever the pressure is on