Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Man Who Escaped A Cult: Steve Hassan on Mind Control | Taryn Southern

How do I know if I'm under mind control?
The main thing is to listen to your own inner voice and to know if something is legitimate it will stand up to scrutiny and to not be manipulated by guilt and fear.
At the destructive end there's deception, manipulation, guilt, fear. If you don't do what you're told, terrible things will happen to you. You should be in control of your life. The locus of control should be inside of you rather than another person, or a group, or an ideology.  
Mind control groups have a black and white, us verus them ideology. Very simplistic.
You're either on the inside and you have the truth or you're on the outside and you're the devil and there's soemthing wrong with you.
If they tell you not to read this book by an ex cult member then go read it and make up your own mind.
With religious organizations, they frame it as you have to obey God but you are in a human institition whose leaders say they know what God wants. And that's the question mark. 
Gurus have an 80% lie rate.

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