Sunday, October 9, 2022

Isn't this what happens to BTs?

 Jennifer Lawrence confessed that she “lost a sense of control” early on in her career due to her meteoric rise to fame.

“Between ‘The Hunger Games’ coming out and winning the Oscar, I became such a commodity that I felt like every decision was a big, big group decision,” the actress, 32, said during a “Screen Talk” at the London Film Festival on Saturday, per Variety.

In 2012, Lawrence made her debut in the “Hunger Games” franchise, which saw a record-breaking box office release.

The same year, the movie star appeared opposite Bradley Cooper in David O. Russell’s film “Silver Linings Playbook” — which later earned her her first Oscar win in 2013.

“When I reflect now, I can’t think of those following years, [because there was] just a loss of control,” Lawrence added at the festival.

Show me a BT that doesn't happen to. You walk in thinking you are making a choice and then your choosing stops. Everybody chooses for you. You are met with more super-dominating people than you ever thought could exist, and those people demean you all day long, they insult your intelligence, they tell you that you are not equipped to make decisions about your life. You must find a leader to lead you, you must join a group that will lead you. You are swept away by a rip tide and find yourself at sea trying not to drown. 

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