Tehillim as cannon fodder for Yeshivism
following is a citation from a Rosh Yeshiva with yeshivist tendencies who in a hespid was as
usual waxing on about the greatness of the niftar’s Torah learning (and saying
nothing else about him). He cites Tehillim 119 but leaves out all the parts
that I underline in the English translation below. See if you can find a theme
in what he leaves out:
דוד המלך אומר בתהלים קיט, במה יזכה נער את
ארחו לשמור כדבריך. בכל ליבי דרשתיך. בליבי צפנתי. בשפתי סיפרתי. בדרך עדותיך
ששתי. בפיקודיך אשיחה. בחוקתיך אשתעשע לא אשכך דבריך
Actual Tehillim
Translation with redactions underlined
במה יזכה נער את ארחו
לשמור כדבריך?
בַּמֶּ֣ה יְזַכֶּה־נַּ֖עַר
אֶת־אָרְח֑וֹ לִ֜שְׁמֹ֗ר כִּדְבָרֶֽךָ:
In what
manner should a youth purify his way? To observe according to Your word.
בכל ליבי דרשתיך.
דְרַשְׁתִּ֑יךָ אַל־תַּ֜שְׁגֵּ֗נִי מִמִּצְוֹתֶֽיךָ:
With all
my heart I searched for You; do
not cause me to stray from Your commandments
בליבי צפנתי.
צָפַ֣נְתִּי אִמְרָתֶ֑ךָ לְ֜מַ֗עַן לֹ֣א אֶֽחֱטָא־לָֽךְ:
In my
heart I hid Your word in order
that I should not sin against You.
אַתָּ֥ה יְהֹוָ֗ה לַמְּדֵ֥נִי חֻקֶּֽיךָ:
are You, O Lord; teach me Your statutes.
בשפתי סיפרתי.
סִפַּ֑רְתִּי כֹּ֜֗ל מִשְׁפְּטֵי־פִֽיךָ:
With my
lips I recited all the
judgments of Your mouth.
בדרך עדותיך ששתי.
עֵֽדְוֹתֶ֥יךָ שַׂ֗שְׂתִּי כְּעַ֣ל כָּל־הֽוֹן:
With the
way of Your testimonies I rejoiced as
over all riches.
בפיקודיך אשיחה.
אָשִׂ֑יחָה וְ֜אַבִּ֗יטָה אֹֽרְחֹתֶֽיךָ:
Your precepts I shall converse and
I shall look at Your ways.
בחוקתיך אשתעשע לא אשכך
אֶֽשְׁתַּֽעֲשָׁ֑ע לֹ֖א אֶשְׁכַּ֣ח דְּבָרֶֽךָ:
With Your
statutes I shall occupy myself; I shall not forget Your speech.
leaves out all the parts about mitzvos and sin. Thus, “With all my heart I searched for You do not cause
me to stray from Your commandments” becomes “With all my heart I searched
for You.” “In my heart I hid Your word in order that I should not sin against
You” becomes “In my heart I hid Your word.”
You want to say that he was talking about Torah
learning so he just kept those parts? I want to answer that Dovid didn’t
separate learning from doing so why should we?
Well, we should if we want to turn Jewish life into
an intellectual game. This hespid had just mentioned that the deceased
was asked if he was afraid after the war broke out. He answered that his only
fear was being an Am Ha’aretz. What, he didn’t fear God? He didn’t fear
that he may have hurt other people in his life? Koheles says, “the sum
of the matter is to fear God and keep His commandments.” Try telling that to some
people. They’ll tell you that they just go by what their rebbes taught them.
Doesn’t matter what Koheles said, Heaven forbid. They just follow the rebbes
that just happen to teach at the yeshiva that they attended probably mostly
because of status.
The Gemara Tractate Sukkah 48B tells the story of a
Kohen Gadol, a Sadducee, who openly mocked the mitzvah of nisuch hamayim,
the water libations, by pouring the golden pitcher of water on his feet rather
than on the altar. The incensed crowd who were composed mostly of Perushim [according
to Josephus most of the common folk were Perushi] began pelting him with their
esrogim and damaged the corner of the altar.
תנו רבנן, מעשה בצדוקי אחד(! )
שנסך על גבי רגליו ורגמוהו כל העם באתרוגיהן ואותו היום נפגמה קרן המזבח והביאו
בול של מלח וסתמוהו וכו'" (סוכה, מח' ב')
The Lubavitcher Rebbe explains that the Sadducees
rejected the Oral Torah because they approached Torah with intellect only. They
believed that the Kohanim and scholars could replace kabbalas ol, the heavenly
yoke, with intellect. They rejected the water libation because it represented
acceptance of the heavenly yoke. He poured the water over his feet in a
symbolic act which said that the common people (metaphorically the feet), whose
intellect was weak, should just follow the dictates of the leaders. (Remind you
of anyone?)
Alternatively, the Sadducee wanted to indicate that
lowly personal matters (feet) need kabbalas ol, but that the higher powers, the
intellect and emotions, are above it.
“All the people pelted him” – a priest and Torah
scholar cannot answer this claim; as an intellectual person, he does not feel
the need for obedience so deeply. Only a simple person “all the people” senses
that the Sadducee’s claim is baseless and opposes the Divine will.
They pelted him with esrogim, the highest of the
four species, representing the intellect, the highest of the spiritual
faculties. By pelting him with esrogim, the people were saying that they also
understood intellectually that his claim opposed the Creator’s will. Kabbalot
ol had informed their intellect so that they had come to understand
intellectually what they accepted originally out of obedience.
“The top of the altar was damaged.” The choicest
part of the sacrifice, the fat and the blood, is offered on the altar. The
inner meaning of sacrifice is to subdue and harness the intellect (the choicest
part of the person) to serve God, so that altar represents kabbals ol. Heaven
arranged for the Sadducee’s claim to be answered. When there is a flaw in the
altar (kabbalas ol) there is a flaw in the sacrifices, intellectual service;
for all offerings offered on a damaged altar are disqualified.
“They brought a handful of salt and stopped it up.”
Salt, which has no nutritional value, also represents kabbalas ol, service
without intellectual rationale. When the altar was damaged, what was lacking
was supplied by salt, which represents kabbalas ol.
Kabbalas Ol is the part of Tehillim that this Rosh
Yeshiva cut out.
Who was this renegade Kohen Gadol? According to Josephus,
it was the Hasmonean King Alexander Yannai. Josephus in Antiquities describes
the episode:
As to Alexander, his own people were seditious
against him; for at a festival which was then celebrated, when he stood upon
the altar, and was going to sacrifice, the nation rose upon him, and pelted him
with citrons [which they then had in their hands, because] the law of the Jews
required that at the feast of tabernacles every one should have branches of the
palm tree and citron tree; which thing we have elsewhere related. They also
reviled him, as derived from a captive, and so unworthy of his dignity and of
sacrificing. At this he was in a rage and slew of them about six thousand.
Wikipedia tells us more about him, “Like his
brother, Alexander was an avid supporter of the aristocratic priestly faction
known as the Sadducees.” The Sadducess weren’t some fringe group in the forest.
“Josephus, writing at the end of the 1st century CE, associates the sect with
the upper social and economic echelon of Judean society. As a whole, they
fulfilled various political, social, and religious roles, including maintaining
the Temple in Jerusalem. The group became extinct after the destruction of the
Second Temple in 70 CE.”
And JewishHistory.org:
"John Hyrcanus came under the influence of the
Sadducees in the latter part of his reign and the government of Israel
officially became a Sadducee government. He removed members of the Sanhedrin
who were Pharisees and replaced them with Sadducees. He also did away many of
the rabbinic ordinances and replaced them with the ways of the Sadducees – and
imposing them with a police force and the army."
But are they extinct, or have they returned in the
form of the yeshivists who now run Orthodoxy society, even at YU, even in their
influence among Chassidim and Sefardim.
You will ask, how can the yeshivists be Sadducees?
They haven’t rejected the Oral Torah. It’s their main focus.
So they say. But they have turned the Gemara into
an intellectual game. They don’t study halacha or aggadata. They pilpul around.
They may CLAIM that they are the opposite of Sadducees but that’s a cover, like
a liberal saying he’s all about compassion when his compassion is so selective,
really for his own causes only. The yeshivists don’t cherish the Gemara. They
don’t teach their son a trade, marry at 16, let students study the parts of
Torah that interest them, don’t learn from a cat, don’t take the good parts
from the goyim, don’t learn from the Gemara about the Sadducee. If they study
Tanach or Kabbalah at all, it’s only to take the parts that promote their
Brisker Lomdus, as we see in this rabbi's selective quoting of Tehillim.
Side note, I have heard it said that the Sadducces
were essentially Hellenists. "The
Sadducees, who were the heirs of the Hellenists, formed a very potent and
powerful force in Jewish society, but they subscribed to a philosophy that was
essentially non-Jewish, to a Greek view of the world." JewishHistory.org
fitting that the yeshivists came originally from 19th century Hellenist Europe
and really hit their stride in America and Zionist Israel where they
militarized Litvish Judaism into what we face today Yeshivism.