Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 “Lest the people reconsider when they see war and return to Egypt. And Hashem led the people around by way of the desert” (13:17-18)  Egypt was the source of heresy and immorality, and the exodus from Egypt involved abandoning the tumah of Egypt in preparation for matan Torah. In every generation anyone who repents undertakes his own private yetzias mitzrayim from the tumah of his previous deeds.  When someone wants to become a baal teshuva he may reconsider when he sees war, the battle which has to fight against the evil inclination, he may then change his mind about changing his lifestyle and revert to his private “Egyptian” way of life. That is why Hashem led the people around by way of the desert. One cannot take a shortcut all in one go. Teshuva has to be undertaken gradually. If one takes the roundabout route, one will not be frightened by seeing the distance that still has to be covered. On the other hand, although this is the general rule, each individual should assess his own level, and if he feels capable of accepting the yoke of Torah completely in one go, he should do so, based on the guidance of gedolei Torah.

Based on droshos by Rav Moshe Sternbuch shlita, raavad of Yerushalayim. To receive these weekly divrei Torah email 

פ' בשלח תשפ"א 

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