Wednesday, August 21, 2024



childhood training


This is interesting and you'll know why. 

narcissists are killers


It's a death cult. They want to kill everything. 



An affirmation for dating


I never force anyone to choose me. If you think you can find something better elsewhere then go ahead. I’m not holding you back. Life’s too short to hang on to someone who is not sure they want to stay. I believe in freedom, in the truth of feelings. If you must stay, let it be your heart tells you this is where you belong. Not because I asked you too. I want to be a choice. Not a default option. I deserve someone who sees my value, who understands what I bring to their life. I don’t want someone who stays with me out of fear of loneliness or out of habit. I want someone who stays for who I am, not who you want me to be. The door is always open. You are free to leave at any time.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Have You Lost Yourself?

Proof: if you are feeling that you are not yourself – then who are you and who is doing the estrangement? The narcissist’s introject.

Introjecting the entraining narcissist generates a schizoid state (emptiness) which mimics the narcissist’s.

Schizoid state as adaptation to narcissistic abuse. Split negative internal objects become identified with the Self and the victim defends against these negative thoughts by dissociating the Self altogether. 

Yet, if the narcissist’s introject is in charge, takes over – why the estrangement? Owing to encounters with repressed former self.

Approach-avoidance repetition compulsion with an objectified, mythologized, idealized self (relic of narcissist’s idealization and nostalgia).

Alienating self-consciousness and introspection.


Friday, August 16, 2024

set times

Granted, a “career in Torah” might not be for everybody; not everyone is on that level or can even aspire to reach it. Still, when you do study Torah, you can attain it, even if you do so once in the morning and once in the evening. Because when you do study, you can ensure nothing else exists in your world besides Torah. We see numerous examples of this in human nature: when someone decisively resolves that for a particular minute, fifteen minutes, or an hour, he’s completely dedicated to a specific thing – whatever it may be – he can indeed succeed. It’s entirely possible, and you need not be anyone special to achieve it.

But this raises the question: How can it be considered a “career in Torah” when you know, that just before you sat down to study and immediately afterwards you’ll be in a completely different state of mind? This is explained by the Alter Rebbe in Tanya that a union with G-d exists eternally above. When you engage in Torah and its commandments, although there was a time before you put on tefillin, for example, which is symbolic of all of Torah, and a time when you will remove them, and no longer wear them, nevertheless the “union” with God you created through them is eternal, an everlasting union.

There’s nothing miraculous to it; in fact, it’s quite self-evident. If time and space were both created for the purpose of fulfilling Torah and its precepts this is proof that Torah and its precepts exist on a higher plane than time and space. So, when you fulfill a commandment even though it was performed within a specific timeframe and not earlier or later – as stipulated by Torah – its effect is not subject to these limitations, given that the commandments are higher than time and space, which were only created for their sake, they are higher than the limitations of time and space.

The lesson from all of this is clear: everyone has their set times for Torah study, which they will surely make their best effort to increase. But practically speaking, your Torah study should reflect a “career in Torah.” 

Lubavitcher Rebbe

a respectful civilized conversation


Remember these? Been a while huh?

forty for understanding

 “At forty for understanding, at fifty to [give] counsel." Avos 5:21

So how does a 29 year old baal teshuvah, six years out of Trinity College have a right to start his own yeshiva, design it in a way that's unlike every other yeshiva for baalei teshuvah, be the main disseminator of hashkafa, stick it in on a barren field with no other shuls or yeshivas around, fail to have a library, fail to have any guest speakers, not take the bochurim to meet any other rabbis, and ban the few other rabbis on staff (the ones who are able to teach Gemara unlike him) from talking to students?

And the answer is, he doesn't. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

control of your life

The fastest way to take control of your life is to stop controlling everyone around you. You have no idea how time and energy and attention you are wasting trying to control other people. You have no idea how much energy you are burning through thinking about, worrying about, obsessing about what other people are doing, what they’re not doing, what they’re feeling, all which you have zero control over.[1]

 Mel Robbins, Youtube shorts, mIenms0ifuo and 57xRRIzY-3o. She calls this the “Let Them” theory.

[1] Youtube shorts, mIenms0ifuo.

Thursday, August 1, 2024


 here's tom brady making sure his receivers are not discouraged

these are muscle men who make millions of dollars

so what about a  jewish boy who goes to yeshiva and the entire day he is nothing but discouraged?

that's what happens in most bt yeshivas