Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Have You Lost Yourself?

Proof: if you are feeling that you are not yourself – then who are you and who is doing the estrangement? The narcissist’s introject.

Introjecting the entraining narcissist generates a schizoid state (emptiness) which mimics the narcissist’s.

Schizoid state as adaptation to narcissistic abuse. Split negative internal objects become identified with the Self and the victim defends against these negative thoughts by dissociating the Self altogether. 

Yet, if the narcissist’s introject is in charge, takes over – why the estrangement? Owing to encounters with repressed former self.

Approach-avoidance repetition compulsion with an objectified, mythologized, idealized self (relic of narcissist’s idealization and nostalgia).

Alienating self-consciousness and introspection.


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