Wednesday, December 21, 2022

cult like

 I heard a story that somebody had an audience with a famous American 'gadol' who said the following:

Do you await Moshiach?


Do you want him to greet you?


Then you must learn the laws of brochos because he won't greet you if you don't know them.

So here's my take on that. You could say that it's a good encounter. For once, they talk about something other than Gemara lomdus. You need to know how to say brochos because that's gratitude to Hashem. He only means basic knowledge. That's the dan 'chaf zchus.

But that's a forced interpretation. Because what I really think is going on is messing with the head. The encounter is negative and confusing. Moshaich isn't going to talk to frum Jews because of a lack of knowledge. So it is about learning again. He didn't say Moshiach will greet you only if you SAY brochos, but if you KNOW the laws.

This is a frum person. They say brachos. 

And why brochos? All day long these guys pound you about Torah study and they even laugh at mesechta brachos. So why this? 

So it's intimidating, demoralizing, frightening, and confusing. Cult-like. 

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