Wednesday, December 14, 2022

What's that spell?

When you consider becoming becoming frum, they tell you things like "anything you are good at now, you'll be even better at." You are told that you'll enrich your existence with an array of divine commandments. You are told that you'll encounter men of unimaginable wisdom who love every Jew with all their heart. 

But here's what happens when you go to manalist BT yeshiva or if you are around manalist people.

1) You are told to erase your brain. Forget everything you know. It's all 'narishkite.' That's a word you'll hear often. Whatever you acquired in college, in school, in sports, in literature and film, whatever you heard from your uncle, forget it all. It's nonsense. You will fill your head with Torah, the only truth.

2) You are told to hate everything. This includes all the goyim, all your childhood heroes, your hobbies, sports, the theater, classical music and certainly rock n'roll - even the inspirational songs. [This gets really confusing when you go to frum Chasunas and see rabbis dancing to rock or club music set to posukim.] How could goyim produce anything inspirational? That's impossible.

But not only that, you'll be conditioned to disparage most of the frum world. This includes Chassidim - especially Chabad and Breslov, Sephardim, and Modern Orthodox, also baalei teshuvah and geyrim. You'll laugh at Yekkes. Only Litivsh yeshiva men are worth anything. And among them there are two kinds of any worth: great scholars and wealthy men who give money to their yeshivas. The second type is a joke too, but we flatter them anyway to get at that money. 

The rest of the world isn't even worth a joke. We don't mention any of it, except rarely to ridicule it. The entire universe is nothing. Only Torah is anything. 

But what's Torah. You'll be taught to laugh at much of the Torah itself: Tanach, Midrash, even the Aggadata of the Gemara, which is 1/6 of it. You'll laugh at the non-yeshivish mesechtas such as Brochos and Moed Katan. You won't even bother to study the halacha that is a primary subject of the Gemara. You'll do Gemara lomdus and Gemara lomdus alone. There is no other worthy activity in life.

What about mitzvos? They aren't equal to one word of Torah. We don't really want to do them. Sometimes, we have to. Torah learning is the thing we want to do.

You are not allowed to question this. The gadolim declared it so and that's it. Question them and you go to hell forever. Question this and you won't get a shiduch, meaning you'll be lonely and sexually frustrated forever. 

Who are the gadolim? Well, they are not people that don't agree with the gadolim. So if you have world class scholars like Rav Soloveitchik, Rav Herzog, Rav Kook, or the Lubavitcher Rebbe, we don't call them gadolim because they don't agree on everything that the real gadolim say. And if you have gadolim that we call gadolim like Rav Shlomo Zalman Aeurbach, we don't listen to them when they say things like study Tanach because the gadolim don't agree with that even though we call him a gadol when we need him.

So it's gemara lomdus for you. But we won't teach you how to do it. You'll buy this huge volume that is written mostly in encoded Aramaic without vowels or punctuation. Open the book and begin. We'll give no teaching aids. That's goyish. Just break your teeth on it. Break your brain on it. Break your spirit on it. Key word here is break

See how far we are now from 'whatever you are good at now, you'll be even better at?'

Let's see: deceptive recruiting, isolation, personality breakdown, thought stopping, phobia inducement, total surrender of the personality to self-appointed, unchecked authorities, life control, us versus them mentality, radical elitism. What's that spell? What's that spell? What's that spell?

Give me a C, give me a U, give me an L, give me a T. 

What's that spell? What's that spell? What's that spell?

OK, I'll spell it for you.


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