Thursday, February 9, 2023


 With the neo-Litvacks, religion is pretty much a dictatorship. You keep mitzvos because you are commanded. That's about it. Oh and you get a mysterious reward for it and punishment for not doing it. How do you know that you are commanded? The posuk commands you. It's not even God so much as the posuk, the Torah, which is God to them. In life, you listen to rabbis because they study the Torah. It's all obeying or else. And that's dictatorship. 

Look at the most recent Toras Avigdor, the gift of Shabbos. It talks mostly of the mysterious reward. Then there's a little bit about practical benefits like people being forced to be together and being spared car crashes. It's not very spiritual really. Mostly, it's pretty negative.

Chassidus is much better at talking about the inyanei Shabbos, how all tefillos of the week go up to heaven, how higher worlds are revealed, etc.

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