Sunday, July 2, 2023

life of terror

  "It's a harsh environment because everything is fear driven, so you are living in a constant state of fear and you are taught that God exists only to be feared and you are always afraid of punishment and always afraid of doing something wrong." Deborah Feldman

Unorthodox: Deborah Feldman's escape from Brooklyn to Berlin | DW Interview - YouTube, 4:53

I notice in shiduchim, the women were always terrified. That was the dating, not getting to know someone but being terrified of who they were dating. Well if you practice the religion based on fear you'll be terrified. 

And I became terrified, of my car breaking down, of losing money in an investment, of shiduchim, of marriage. 

Of course, I was terrified. The entire religion was based on terror of a vengeful God. 

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