Sunday, December 10, 2023

Who is the rudest celebrity you have met, and who would be the nicest?

Years ago I had a summer job at Burbank studios when I was studying at UCLA and met many celebs. The rudest without doubt was Jerry Lewis, had no time for anyone he deemed unimportant, refused autographs by simply ignoring the person requesting. Foul mouthed an a generally miserable and obnoxious person.

Nicest by far was Elvis Presley just polite and unassuming. He had time for everyone including the catering staff and the porters moving the equipment. A little girl holding here teddy bear came up and asked for his autograph. He got down on one knee and talked to her for a long time, he asked the name of her teddy bear and wrote the autograph to both of them. He the sang her a snipped of his song “teddy bear”. You should have seen her face.

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