Thursday, February 15, 2024

Yeshivism and Christianity

 Yeshivism and Christianity

5 Tenants of Christianity: 


  1. Antinomianism – abrogation of the commandments
  2. Original sin – man is born sinful 
  3. A man as god 
  4. Redemption through faith to this false god 
  5. Jews no longer chosen people. 

    Parallels to Yeshivism 

  1. Torah is described relentlessly as the greatest mitzvah and is emphasized to the point where mitzvos are grotesquely minimized into near oblivion (“You gotta do what you gotta do,” as one yeshivist rabbi said). The term tzidkas as used almost as ridicule, only being a gaon is truly respected. 
  2. Bochurim and baalei batim are described as having only yetzer hara, no yetzer hatov. 
  3. Rabbis as are considered infallible and clairvoyant. You aren’t allowed to argue with them even with the arguments of other rabbis. Only they are allowed to do that. Go to them for all decisions even though they know nothing about the relevant issues.  
  4. Have faith in the Torah. The Gemara is god some actually say. Redemption through Gemara pilpul.  
  5. Massive condescension of anybody but yeshivish ‘gadolim’ and rabbanim. Baalei batim, Chassidim, Sephardim are looked upon almost as another class of people, like Gentiles to Jews.  

The big difference between them is that Christianity preaches love and Yeshivism preaches hate. However, as yeshivish rabbis tell us constantly, Christianity actually resulted in hate. Don't picture American Protestantism but European Catholicism with all that burning at the stake. 

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