Sunday, January 31, 2021

what to live for

guest writer

George Carlin: You need something to live for.

Seems obvious no? I felt that being frum had taken that away from me. I was told why I should live and I felt nothing towards that? I should live to study Gemara? That didn't work for me as I really didn't know how to do it and yeshiva didn't help that at all. Live to serve God? To be a slave? I don't want to do that as the God that had been presented to me was a tyrant. Nobody told me He loved me. Just that He loved to punish. The rabbis projected their bullying onto God. The world was bad, non-religious Jews were bad, baal habatim were acceptable if they gave all their money to yeshivas. That was the picture I saw. So I was left with nothing to live for. And that is dangerous.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


“The source of tolerance is the recognition that none of us have the absolute truth. There can be no tolerance without humility.”
― Milton Friedman


Breaking sessions are when one, two or more cult members and leaders attack the character of another person, sometimes for hours on end. Some cults will not stop these sessions until their victim is crying uncontrollably.

Cults know that if they can control your relationships then they can control you. Whether we like it or not we are all profoundly affected by those around us. When you first go to a cult they will practice “love bombing”, where they arrange instant friends for you. It will seem wonderful, how could such a loving group be wrong! But you soon learn that if you ever disagree with them, or ever leave the cult then you will lose all your new “friends”. This unspoken threat influences your actions in the cult. Things that normally would have made you complain will pass by silently because you don’t want to be ostracized. Like in an unhealthy relationship love is turned on and off to control.

Cults also try to cut you off from your friends and family because they hate others being able to influence you. A mind control cult will seek to manoeuvre your life so as to maximize your contact with cult members and minimize your contact with people outside the group, especially those who oppose your involvement.

People in a mind control cult will also hide their true thoughts and feelings, and instead wear a mask which presents them as a perfect cult member. This mask is a defense against being reported to leadership and being punished for not measuring up (cult members never feel like they measure up to the cult’s ideals, and yet often believe the other members around them do, when in reality the others feel the same as them). Hence cult members are trained not only to deceive outsiders, but also to deceive their fellow cult members. Rarely can close friendships form in cults, and if they do the cult’s leaders may see them as a threat and move those people away from each other. Nothing is allowed that can be more powerful than the cult members’ allegiance to the group and it’s leaders.

Mind control cults keep their members so busy with meetings and activities that they become too busy and too tired to think about their involvement.
Time control also helps the cult keep their members immersed in the manufactured cult environment.

And time control helps keep cult members away from friends and family.

Hyped Meetings
Rather than explain to you what the group believes or what their programme is up front, they will instead insist that you can only understand it if you come to a group meeting. There everyone around you will seem so enthusiastic that you will start to think there is something wrong with you. They create an environment where you will feel uncomfortable and the only way to become comfortable is to join them. This is an application of controlled peer pressure.

Intense Unrelenting Pressure
They call repeatedly. Meet you on campus or outside your work. Trick you into coming for only an hour and then lead you into a long study, meeting or talk. They have to keep the pressure on, otherwise you might snap out of the mind control environment they are trying to immerse you in.

They tell you that they are not a cult.
This is a preemptive strike against the warnings from friends and family members which they know will come. In fact some cults go as far to tell you that Satan will try and dissuade you by sending family members and friends to tell you it is a cult. When this tactic is used then often a warped form of logic occurs in the recruits’ mind, the “agents of Satan” do come and tell them that it is a cult. So since the group predicted that would happen, the group therefore must true! Basically if any group tells you that they are not a cult, or that some people call them a cult, then for goodness sake find out why!

Authoritarian cult. Deception recruitment. Controlling people's behavior, thoughts, and emotions. Disconnecting their ability to reality test. Installing phobias in their minds that the enemy is here and the only hope is to follow the grand leader. If all you are hearing is cult messaging and not other things, hard to get people to take a step back and hear other things. Get away for a few days: walk in the woods, music you used to like, reconnect with family and friends.

True leader is compassionate, open to questions. You telling me God is going to use a cult. Quote from Moon that how could this be a cult, Americans are very smart. Yet behind the scenes always condemning them. This woke Steve up. He cried for 3 hours because had given his all for 2.5 years.

The OJ cult

Of all the cults, Orthodox Judaism is the hardest to leave because the Torah is true and the soul knows it. If that's the case, then how is it a cult? And the answer is, it's not necessarily a cult. It can be a cult and the cult stuff latches on to the true stuff and it can take a long time to separate the two. As a result, people can experience OJ as if it is a cult for decades. The way out is to start thinking for yourself and that is not encouraged in the OJ world. They have more ways of disparaging your brain and telling you to be obedient than an Eskimo does of talking about snow. But after you have endured enough pain, you become kind of forced to shake that off and to start thinking. And that's when you start to leave the cult. A change overtakes you. Your thoughts become less pained and cloudy. You stop steamrolling your values and conscience. You become a real Jew.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

the willow

Three of the four species are required to be beautiful. But the willow only need grow near water. It does not have to look like anything. The esrog has taste and smell and represents those who do Torah and mitzvos. The hadassah has smell and no taste. The lulav has taste (via the date fruit) and no smell. The willow has neither taste nor smell. It represents the simple Jew who doesn't do either. This is not the one who goes against commandments, but the one who doesn't know about them. Tinuk S'nishbeh. When you interact with such a person, "Don't set conditions. I want you to have this or that characteristic." Even the simple Jew is inherently connected to God as long as he is of the right species that grows near water. He is one of the four species without which you cannot do the mitzvah. The lulav is the Torah student. It is not enough for him to study. He must be bound up with the other species. When you approach another person, you cannot come with demands and say I will only help him if he fulfills the commandments. Approach him with love. He is a child of Avr, Yitz, and Yaakov. 

The Rebbe said in response to a visitor who referred to ignorant Jews that his father in law would call them simple Jews. 

Lub. Rebbe, Living Torah Program 683

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Your own thoughts

While in captivity, kidnap victim Patty Hearst became afraid to have any of her own thoughts. She had been yelled at countless times for appearing to think by her captors who were afraid psychics would use her thoughts to locate her. Even after the FBI captured her, she couldn't use her brain. She didn't know if she was coming or going. Her mind was shot. After getting out of the Moonies, Steve Hassan was unable to read even though he had been an avid reader to the point where he had previously wanted to to become an English professor. He said it took him a  year to recover, to retrain his brain to work again.

Something similar happens in many controlled and abusive environments such as dysfunctional homes, corporations, the military, and even yeshivas, particularly one place I know where the very idea of a bochur thinking at all was viewed as chutzpadick. There was a constant mockery of the baal habayis' and particularly a young person's brain. I see this in many yeshiva boys. They are afraid to give their own pshot on anything, so programmed they are that they are not qualified. You need to think and offer your ideas while at the same time recognizing that your idea is not the final word on the subject and may be inaccurate or even totally wrong. By the way, that's true of all people - even scholars and experts -  but of course more true of young and less educated people. It's not so complicated, yet that approach is not used in many places. The world will not end if you are wrong. It's OK. Share your thought. These crazy control freak middle management rabbis will accuse you of destroying the Oral tradition or whatever for having a thought they don't like. That's an example of another cult technique called phobia  indoctrination. How can I be a nobody and at the same time tear down the Torah? They are trying to destroy you at both ends, making you feel like you are of no importance but at the same time you are so powerful that you are destroying Judaism because you privately shared a question or well meaning explanation with the big shot rabbi, who is so arrogant that he isn't going to be affected by anything you say. At this place, this was taken to the extreme. It had a fundamental problem that they recruited talented, but the dean was kind of a dope and was intimidated by them. So he set out to mock the very idea of them using their brains in any way other than to say "why does Tosfos says this?" 

"He taught his talmidim that most questions beginning with "Why?" (unless they are in the form "Why does Rashi or Tosafos say this?") are more likely than not to be products of the yetzer designed to deflect from a full Torah commitment. In question and answer sessions, he refused to answer as many questions as he was asked. First the questioner had to acknowledge what was really bothering him and how the information sought was relevant to his life." 

Incredibly, that description of him is from a hespid. It is meant as praise. Sounds like an indictment to me. That's a cult leader. Yes, Judaism can be a cult. He was quite relentless. I would say his main goal was to shut down thinking. Many BT yeshivas have a questions and answers class where the students try to get answers to such questions as why the Jews in the desert killed the children of Midian, why we break the first-born donkey's neck (the back of the animal's neck is struck with a hatchet, until the windpipe and food pipe are severed. See Yerushalmi, Sotah 9:5.) and toss the goat off the mountain. Am I allowed to say, these actions seem cruel? Even now, thirty years after leaving that place, when I ask those questions, I feel a terror creep up inside me and a hand covers my mouth. I feel guilty for asking for at that place that's how we were made to feel. These questions were mocked, shamed. I feel guilty for asking. My thoughts just stop in terror. That's called thought stopping, a trait of cults. I know by now that's the madman still inside my system and I stay with my question. 

But many people allow their thoughts to be stopped. They feel guilty for having a mind. They are told, the gadolim say X, you must obey. The gadolim say to vote for gimmel. If you don't follow, you can never do teshuva. I have been told this. But what about the gadolim in the Edah Charedis? They say not to vote at all. It's so manipulative this phrase "the gadolim say." Gadlim disagree with one another all the time. You see it in the Gemara and you see it today. In Eretz Yisroel references to the authority of the gadolim as if they are a monolithic group are rampant. I think it's a reflection of Israeli military culture. The old Litvacks didn't work that way.  Rav Moshe Feinstein was once asked if it was permissible to build a eruv in a certain city. He said it wasn't. They built it anyway. Someone asked, aren't you going to combat them? No, he said. He explained, they asked for my opinion and I gave it. That's the manalist approach. (Note, his father when young and grandfather were chassidic.) Today, particularly in Israel, everyone goes to war. This is Zionism. It's turning Judaism into a cult as influenced by Zionism. 

There's an intense contradiction in the yeshiva world. They'll tell you Torah study is the purpose of life, yet they severely limit your ability to think. If study is the ikur, then you must be able to think.

Once you become afraid of your own thoughts or view them as sinful you have been murdered. I remember thinking, don't we have a yetzer tov too? In many of these places, all they talk about is the yetzer hara. You start to see yourself as evil. You have a kind of mental autoimmune reaction where you start attacking your own thoughts. 

 "A cytokine storm, also called hypercytokinemia, is a physiological reaction in humans and other animals in which the innate immune system causes an uncontrolled and excessive release of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules called cytokines. Normally, cytokines are part of the body's immune response to infection, but their sudden release in large quantities can cause multisystem organ failure and death."

This can happen with your thoughts. You get a thought and you immediately contradict it. As Patty Hearst said, humans are fragile. They crack up from the mental oppression.  "My spirit resembles the tower which crumbles Under the tireless blows of the battering ram."  (French poet Charles Baudelaire, "Song Of Autumn"). Patty was such a "mess" - her word - when she got out of the SLA that her brain wasn't working normally. “My heart is lost; the beasts have eaten it.” (Baudelaire). She didn't know if she was coming or going. She was emaciated, spaced out, unsure of her own identity. She was dazed and fragmented and lost. She didn't even know how to go about defending herself in court.  It's like her mind was broken. She couldn't use it, just like many of us after bad yeshivas experiences. You can't formulate a thought. You have a good brief thought - your conscience is trying to speak -  but you immediately contradict it. You can't follow through on anything because you are not allowed to think. I know many baal habatim who have this problem. Their brains are broken. They have been yelled at so many times by their captors. They have been threatened with death, with damnation. They can go the rest of their of their lives like this. They can't really function. 

This is not what is supposed to go on with Orthodox Judaism. But it happens often. Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik was very good at not doing this to people. He encouraged them to have their own minds. Yes, that approach produced some rogue rabbis, but it also created many healthy, productive students whereas many of the heavy handed rabbis broke many people. The Lubavitcher Rebbe also used this approach. He let people think. Both of these great men were roundly condemned by many in the yeshiva world (but not by the saint Moshe Feinstein).

The way some of the corrupt ones approach it, you are only yetzer hara but somehow the rabbi, who might be younger than you, who might be no smarter than you, who might be dumber than you, who may be less knowledgeable in many areas, is all yetzer tov.  I know personally five prominent rabbis - all who were treated by many of their followers with incredible deference - who were involved in sex scandals. I know the cases. All were guilty. So I guess rabbis can have yetzer haras too. Dare I say it? I dare.

Patty Hearst before the kidnapping

Patty after capture by the police. "Shortly after her arrest, signs of trauma were recorded: her IQ was measured as 112, whereas it had previously been 130." Hearst wrote in her memoir, Every Secret Thing (1982), "I spent fifteen hours going over my SLA experiences with Robert Jay Lifton of Yale University. Lifton, author of several books on coercive persuasion and thought reform, [...] pronounced me a 'classic case' which met all the psychological criteria of a coerced prisoner of war. [...] If I had reacted differently, that would have been suspect, he said."

Incredibly, Patty Hearst was the only person involved in the famous Hibernia bank robbery to go to prison. The kidnap victim whose involvement in the robbery could so easily be explained as coercion, about whom you can so readily make the case of reasonable doubt - she went to jail. She was sentenced to 35 years! But that was reduced to 7 when the first judge passed away - may he rot in hell. In 1979, President Carter had the good sense to commute her sentence after 22 months served; although she remained on probation. "When Carter commuted her seven-year sentence in 1979, he was prevented by law from issuing a subsequent pardon." He tried to get Bush to do it and pushed Clinton to do it. She wasn't pardoned until 2001. Clinton waited 8 years until his last day in office. Ronald Reagan and Bush I ignored her entirely. The people who kidnapped her, who were so obviously running the robbery, the government never pursued them. That's how insane the world is, how stupid people are - law enforcement, the jury, the judge, the press.  “I am unable to understand how a man of honor could take a newspaper in his hands without a shudder of disgust.” ― Charles Baudelaire. Actor John Wayne spoke after the Jonestown cult deaths, pointing out that people had accepted that Jim Jones had brainwashed 900 individuals into mass suicide but would not accept that the Symbionese Liberation Army could have brainwashed a kidnapped teenage girl. Yes, people are that stupid.

Here's part of the jury that convicted her. The NY Times account says they did it with heavy hearts, but that doesn't change the fact that they were myopic. All you need is reasonable doubt and what she went through produces that. People can crack up. She did. I realize she did some odd things: travel across country without trying to escape, shooting up the sporting goods store, giving generous eulogies to her "fallen comrades," keeping the amulet or whatever it was from William Wolfe. But all that doesn't matter. The terror she went through could produce a total mental crackup that produces this behavior. But the jury couldn't get their minds out of their comfy Northern California lives and grasp what this girl went through. Her behavior was so unlike her, her condemnation of her family, and her use of all that radical cliches that she never used before indicate a mind that had collapsed. 

Many people who question any system, any cult operation, get treated like Patty Hearst.

But Patty lives on. She got her smile back. So can you.


Want more evidence that Patty Hearst was innocent. Look at this article on Elizabeth Smart. She so obviously was kidnapped and terrorized. Nobody suggests that a 14 year old Mormon girl ran off with a deranged hobo drifter that she had met a few times. Yet, she lost her identity to her captors. She also didn't try to escape. As you'll see below, she was talking to police and the policeman was begging her to say she was Elizabeth Smart and she couldn't do it. This is common. It makes no sense to people who have never been kidnapped. The brain collapses.

"Elizabeth, is it you? Just tell me it's you."

Sandy Police Sgt. Victor Quezada pleaded with the teen to confirm his belief that he was standing before the girl the entire nation so badly wanted to find.

With a lowered head and tears in her eyes, the 15-year-old responded simply: "Thou sayeth."

The girl in a gray, curly wig and dirty clothing had previously denied being the missing teen, at one point telling officers: "I know who you think I am, but I'm not that girl. That Elizabeth Smart girl, that's not me."

Elizabeth was spotted walking down State Street in Sandy Wednesday afternoon with a man and woman. The three wore jeans and T-shirts, and had jackets tied around their waists. Elizabeth wore sunglasses and had a T-shirt draped over the back of her head in a "makeshift veil."

Sandy police officers questioned the three on the street for about 45 minutes after responding to two citizen calls that the man resembled a street preacher wanted for questioning in connection with Elizabeth's June 5 disappearance.

Officer Karen Jones was on the scene within two minutes. When asked, the man, now known to be Brian David Mitchell, identified himself and his wife as "Peter and Juliet Marshall" and said they were traveling with their daughter, "Augustine."

When asked directly, Elizabeth said her name was "Augustine Marshall."

The trio was unable to produce photo identification or an address or date of birth, which raised Jones' suspicions.

After a second officer arrived, Jones left to check the names on her computer, and Troy Rasmussen began questioning the three.

"They described themselves as preachers and said they were on the Lord's mission to spread the gospel," Rasmussen said.

With his attention on Elizabeth because of her odd disguise, Rasmussen asked the girl to remove her sunglasses. She refused, saying she had just had eye surgery in San Diego.

He then asked Elizabeth why she was wearing a wig, which caused the girl to become "a little upset."

By that time, Rasmussen had already decided the girl was likely Elizabeth Smart and told Jones, who contacted Salt Lake City police.

After hearing Jones' description of the three, dispatchers in Salt Lake instructed officers to detain them and immediately sent detectives to the scene.

Two other officers soon arrived, and Elizabeth was taken aside while Jones stayed with Mitchell and his wife, Wanda Ilene Barzee.

For the first time, Rasmussen addressed the girl by "Elizabeth" rather than "Augustine." She did not react to the name change.

"I said, 'You know there's a lot of people looking for you,' " Rasmussen said. "I said, 'Your family's really concerned. If you're in trouble we're here to help you.'"

The girl lowered her head and tears welled up in her eyes, he said. "And I knew for sure that that's who it was."

Still, she would not acknowledge that she was, in fact, the missing teen.

"She denied being Elizabeth the entire time we were out there," Quezada said. "We kept telling her, 'Do this for your family, do this for yourself. Do the right thing, just tell us who you are. We know you're Elizabeth Smart.' "

Finally, Elizabeth affirmed her identity with the Bible phrase.

"Her eyes were welling up with tears at the time, and you could tell she basically gave up the charade," Quezada said.

Throughout the questioning, Jones said Mitchell and Barzee sat and quietly quoted scripture. There was never an attempt to escape, and the couple did not resist when officers handcuffed them and placed them in separate police cars.

Mitchell, 49, and Barzee, 57, are being held in the Salt Lake County Jail for investigation of aggravated kidnapping.

Elizabeth was also handcuffed and taken to the Sandy police station where she was questioned and reunited with her family.

The officers have not seen the teen again, nor have they spoken to any members of the Smart family. Still, they are pleased to know they had a part in bringing Elizabeth home after nine long months.

"Police officers see a lot of this kind of stuff day in and day out, but we're still human beings," Quezada said. "It was a nice warm feeling . . . when she finally said it was her. It was a nice warm feeling inside saying, 'You're going to go home tonight.'"

Hey Patty Hearst jury. This is for you. This girl was standing besides a crew of armed police officers, one of which was pleading with her to say she was Elizabeth Smart and she couldn't do it. Forget escaping. She just had to say her name. Couldn't do it. Her rag tag crazy kidnapper would have been powerless against them. Couldn't do it. The best she could do was go into that crazy King James Bible speak that her captor had trained her to use and make the slightest hint of who she was. Patty went through something similar as do all kinds of nice people when in the power of violent madmen.

And how about the police putting her in handcuffs. What schmucks. 

And it's the same with so many others. How about Amanda Berry and the other two girls in Cleveland? For 10 years they were stuck in that house. You'd have to think they had some kind of chances to escape. But the mind is crushed. Same with Collen Stan. Between the rape, death threats, isolation, dehumanization, and programming, the mind gets taken over. It's an amazing thing. And this can happen on different levels, to different degrees. And it can happen in the frum world too. It happens in BT yeshivas, not to everyone but to more than a few. You don't need the actual violence because the Torah is true and the con men latch on to that. The soul knows Torah is true so misrepresenting Torah has a powerful effect. So you also get death threats and worse than that eternal life threats. You get sexual abuse through sexual deprivation. And the mental programming, well that's just rampant and easy to do with Torah material, which can be very confusing. 

To stay frum you have to realize what may have been done to you. 

Friday, January 15, 2021

pyramid structure

As Steve Hassen the cult expert notes, cults often have a pyramid structure with a supreme ruler up top, his lieutenants next, and so on.

The phrase listen to the gadolim is generally expressed in an attempt to turn Judaism into a cult. The person saying it has an opinion and projects it onto this mythical entity called the gadolim. Have you ever spent time around Torah scholars? On any topic of any controversy, they are not all in agreement. Not at all. They disagree often and openly. I once heard Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky stand up and disagree with something Rav Pam had just said on the topic of sexual abuse in the community. He didn't hesitate. I have sat with many gadolim and shared a thought from a different gadol and expressions of disagreement were quite frequent. One time, I expressed to a Chassidic Rebbe the view of a Yekke scholar who frowned on anybody switching to a different nusach from Minhag Ashkenaz. The Rebbe disagreed. He didn't hesitate. These guys disagree all the time. It's a mythology that the "gadolim say" this or that on controversial topics. They all agree to keep Shabbos, stuff like that. But on anything you are confused about, they don't all agree. And then you must consider the Modern Orthodox figures like Herschel Schachter and Zalman Melamed. I personally don't like their Zionism but I have to admit their scholarship is on par with many who you think of as Charedi gadolim. With them, you get much more difference of opinion on all kinds of subjects.

In sum, this phrase, you have to listen to the gadolim is mostly an attempt to control you by turning Judaism into a cult. The person might not even realize he is doing it, but he is doing it. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Ex-Cult Member Explains How He Escaped the Moonies - YouTube

universal techniques:
deceptive recruitment
thought stopping
loaded language
totalist black and white ideology
you don't know what is happening to you
phobia indoctrination
love bombing
guilt promotion
sleep deprivation (in frum world result of sexual deprivation and schacharis every day no matter what) and information overload, mind goes numb
told to stop negative thoughts against leader and phobias that terrible things will happen if you question leader

something that's legitimate will stand up to scrutiny, do not be manipulated by guilt or fear, tune into your own inner voice, you should be in control of your life, don't be manipulated by threats that if you don't obey bad things will happen, religious organizations frame it as you have to obey God but you are in a human institution whose leaders say that know what God wants 

empower people to think for themselves and give them information to reality test
can't say, you are in a cult and try to argue the person out of it because they have been programmed to expect persecution

cults often use front groups, the moonies have 1000s of them, doesn't the yeshiva world do this too, each yeshiva is a front group for the general movement which as i said isn't necessarily a cult but can be experienced as one, cults often have a pyramid structure with a supreme leader, isn't that what yeshiva people do when they talk about the gadolim, following the gadolim as if they all agree, they are trying to create a pyramid where of course you are on the bottom

Torah observance is not necessarily a cult but contemporary frum culture can be whether it be yeshivish, chassidish, zionist, or modern
aren't you told to only be around your group?
aren't you told not to think for yourself?
aren't you taught an us verses them philosophy?
aren't you told to do ridiculous things like kollel or aliyah when you can't possibly afford it or even cope with it mentally? (both are more pronounced in israel)
if you are a BT, weren't you recruited deceptively, weren't you told in Judaism we can ask questions, we aren't anti-physical, were you told about the obligation to study Torah every second?, were you told rabbis are caring and rule for your case? were you told klal yisrael is one big family? were you told that we are not like the Catholics who aren't allowed to think? the reality is there's far more thought control with Jews.

You say can't happen to me, I'm too together, too smart.
How would you know if you are under mind control?
It's an identity disturbance. A cult identity that was programmed into him suppressed the real him that was interested in writing, etc.
ISIS, pimps use cult techniques.
Control of behavior, information, thought, emotion. (BITE)
Phobia indoctrination - terrible things will happen to you
We are vulnerable to peer pressure and authority.
It's your mind, it's precious, and only you should control it.
Change of name, clothing, needing to ask permission, information control, distort info, hold back info, spies, confessions and use material against you, lie to you, use info from other sources to manipulate you and give you false sense of mystical experiences, 
Key book: Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, Lifton, Robert Jay

Recommend total disconnect for minimum of 3 days from who you fear is controlling you, let mind decompress
Seek out critics and former members and hear what they are saying as if you never were involved
ask, was i lied to, if i knew then what i know now would i have joined? if answer is not in a million years then know you are under undo influence, know others have left

person is split from himself and has cult identity
seek out information about leader
goal shouldn't be to get person out but to empower people to think for themselves
let them know being in an organization is a choice, don't have to be there

recruiting is hey come over for a shabbos meal, hey here's some purim candy, they don't tell you that you'll have this yoke on  you, can't ever leave, all free time torah study, 9 kids, no way to make a living, etc. the recruiting is very deceptive

In the book, Lifton outlines the "Eight Criteria for Thought Reform":

  1. Milieu Control. This involves the control of information and communication both within the environment and, ultimately, within the individual, resulting in a significant degree of isolation from society at large.
  2. Mystical Manipulation. The manipulation of experiences that appears spontaneous but is, in fact, planned and orchestrated by the group or its leaders to demonstrate divine authority, spiritual advancement, or some exceptional talent or insight that sets the leader and/or group apart from humanity, and that allows a reinterpretation of historical events, scripture, and other experiences. Coincidences and happenstance oddities are interpreted as omens or prophecies.
  3. Demand for Purity. The world is viewed as black and white and the members are constantly exhorted to conform to the ideology of the group and strive for perfection. The induction of guilt and/or shame is a powerful control device used here.
  4. Confession. Sins, as defined by the group, are to be confessed either to a personal monitor or publicly to the group. There is no confidentiality; members' "sins," "attitudes," and "faults" are discussed and exploited by the leaders.
  5. Sacred Science. The group's doctrine or ideology is considered to be the ultimate Truth, beyond all questioning or dispute. Truth is not to be found outside the group. The leader, as the spokesperson for God or all humanity, is likewise above criticism.
  6. Loading the Language. The group interprets or uses words and phrases in new ways so that often the outside world does not understand. This jargon consists of thought-terminating clichés, which serve to alter members' thought processes to conform to the group's way of thinking.
  7. Doctrine over person. Members' personal experiences are subordinated to the sacred science and any contrary experiences must be denied or reinterpreted to fit the ideology of the group.
  8. Dispensing of existence. The group has the prerogative to decide who has the right to exist and who does not. This is usually not literal but means that those in the outside world are not saved, unenlightened, unconscious, and must be converted to the group's ideology. If they do not join the group or are critical of the group, then they must be rejected by the members. Thus, the outside world loses all credibility. In conjunction, should any member leave the group, he or she must be rejected also.[3]

deprogramming was forcibly holding person in room and lecturing them
Hassan uses different method, strategic interactive
empower sense of real self, everyone wants to be free, loved, not exploited or separated from passions, abilities, controlled through fear, guilt
uses love, ethical based approach
listen to feelings, gut
are people who leave after 50 years of cult involvement

alleged to be unconditional love but in fact all is based on performance and bad performance is viewed as the devil

be in the now, be in your body
took him a full year to try to reclaim old self, used to love literature, when first out of cult couldn't read, had to train brain like a muscle
spend 90% of your energy on what you can do something about

While in captivity, kidnap victim Patty Hearst became afraid to have any of her own thoughts. She had been yelled at so many times for appearing to think by her captors who were afraid psychics would use her thoughts to locate her. Even after the FBI captured her, she couldn't use her brain. She didn't know if she was coming or going. Her mind was shot. After getting out of the Moonies, Steve Hassan was unable to read even though he had been an avid reader to the point where he had previously wanted to to become an English professor. He said it took him a  year to recover, to retrain his brain to work again.

Something similar happens in many controlled and abusive environments such as dysfunctional homes, corporations, the military, and even yeshivas, particularly Maclone Shlomo where the very idea of a bochur thinking at all was viewed as chutzpadick. There was a constant mockery of the baal habayis' and particularly a young person's brain. I see this in many yeshiva boys. They are afraid to give their own pshot on anything, so programmed they are that they are not qualified. You need to think and offer your ideas while at the same time recognizing that your idea is not the final word on the subject and may be inaccurate or even totally wrong. By the way, that's true of all people - even scholars and experts -  but of course more true of young and less educated people. It's not so complicated, yet that approach is not used in many places. The world will not end if you are wrong. It's OK. Share your thought. These crazy control freak middle management rabbis will accuse you of destroying the Oral tradition or whatever for having a thought they don't like. That's an example of another cult technique called phobia  indoctrination. How can I be a nobody and at the same time tear down the Torah? They are trying to destroy you at both ends, making you feel like you are of no importance but at the same time you are so powerful that you are destroying Judaism because you privately shared a question or well meaning explanation with the big shot rabbi, who is so arrogant that he isn't going to be affected by anything you say. At MS, this was taken to the extreme. MS had a fundamental problem that they recruited kids from elite schools, but the dean was kind of a dope and was intimidated by them. So he set out to mock the very idea of them using their brains in any way other than to say "why does Tosfos says this?" 

"He taught his talmidim that most questions beginning with "Why?" (unless they are in the form "Why does Rashi or Tosafos say this?") are more likely than not to be products of the yetzer designed to deflect from a full Torah commitment. In question and answer sessions, he refused to answer as many questions as he was asked. First the questioner had to acknowledge what was really bothering him and how the information sought was relevant to his life." 

Incredibly, that description of him is from a hespid. It is meant as praise. Sounds like an indictment to me. That's a cult leader. Yes, Judaism can be a cult. He was quite relentless. I would say his main goal was to shut down thinking. Many BT yeshivas have a questions and answers class where the students try to get answers to such questions as why the Jews in the desert killed the children of Midian, why we break the first-born donkey's neck (the back of the animal's neck is struck with a hatchet, until the windpipe and food pipe are severed. See Yerushalmi, Sotah 9:5.) and toss the goat off the mountain. Am I allowed to say, these actions seem cruel? Even now, thirty years after leaving that place, when I ask those questions, I feel a terror creep up inside me and a hand covers my mouth. I feel guilty for asking. My thoughts just stop in terror. That's called thought stopping, a trait of cults. I know by now that's the madman Rosenberg still inside my system and I stay with my question. But many people allow their thoughts to be stopped. They feel guilty for having a mind. They are told, the gadolim say X, you must obey. The gadolim say to vote for gimmel. If you don't follow, you can never do teshuva. I have been told this. But what about the gadolim in the Edah Charedis? They say not to vote at all. It's so manipulative this phrase "the gadolim say." Gadlim disagree with one another all the time. You see it in the Gemara and you see it today. In Eretz Yisroel references to the authority of the gadolim as if they are a monolithic group are rampant. I think it's a reflection of Israeli military culture. The old Litvacks didn't work that way.  It's turning Judaism into a cult as influenced by Zionism. There's an intense contradiction in the yeshiva world. They'll tell you Torah study is the purpose of life, yet they severely limit your ability to think. If study is the ikur, then you must be able to think.

Once you become afraid of your own thoughts or view them as sinful you have been murdered. I remember thinking, don't we have a yetzer tov too? In many of these places, all they talk about is the yetzer hara. You start to see yourself as evil. You have a kind of mental autoimmune reaction where you start attacking your own thoughts. 

 "A cytokine storm, also called hypercytokinemia, is a physiological reaction in humans and other animals in which the innate immune system causes an uncontrolled and excessive release of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules called cytokines. Normally, cytokines are part of the body's immune response to infection, but their sudden release in large quantities can cause multisystem organ failure and death."

This can happen with your thoughts. You get a thought and you immediately contradict it. As Patty Hearst said, humans are fragile. They crack up from the mental oppression.  “My heart is lost; the beasts have eaten it.” (French poet Charles Baudelaire). Patty was such a "mess" - her word - when she got out of the SLA that her brain wasn't working normally. She didn't know if she was coming or going. She was emaciated, spaced out, unsure of her own identity. She was dazed and fragmented and lost. She didn't even know how to go about defending herself in court.  It's like her mind was broken. She couldn't use it, just like many of us after bad yeshivas experiences. You can't formulate a thought. You have a good brief thought - your conscience is trying to speak -  but you immediately contradict it. You can't follow through on anything because you are not allowed to think. I know many baal habatim who have this problem. Their brains are broken. They have been yelled at so many times by their captors. They have been threatened with death, with damnation. They can go the rest of their of their lives like this. They can't really function. 

This is not what is supposed to go on with Orthodox Judaism. But it happens often. Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik was very good at not doing this to people. He encouraged them to have their own minds. Yes, that approach produced some rogue rabbis, but it also created many healthy, productive students whereas many of the heavy handed rabbis broke many people. The Lubavitcher Rebbe also used this approach. He let people think. Both of these great men were roundly condemned by many in the yeshiva world (but not by the saint Moshe Feinstein).

The way some of the corrupt ones approach it, you are only yetzer hara but somehow the rabbi, who might be younger than you, who might be no smarter than you, who might be dumber than you, who may be less knowledgeable in many areas, is all yetzer tov.  I know personally five prominent rabbis - all who were treated by many of their followers with incredible deference - who were involved in sex scandals. I know the cases. All were guilty. So I guess rabbis can have yetzer haras too. Dare I say it? I dare.

authoritarian with pyramid structure
black and white, us versus them, good versus evil
perfectionism is common - relax, breath, grow

reclaim your own mind
use authentic self - everyone has one, takes time, what resonates with who you are, tv shows whose characters you like?
balance and harmony of mind
dissociative disorder, disconnected from feelings, start with liking to be in your own body

patty before kidnapping

after capture

a shell of her former smiley self

More advice

Warren Buffett:

You don't have to have an opinion on everything, only a few things. You can get rich with 4 or 5 good decisions. You can pass on everything else. You don't have to understand every company.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Hitting advice from Ted Williams

"Hitting is fifty percent above the shoulders." You have to think, use your mind. What did that pitcher throw at you last time? 
Grip the bat firm but not too tight.
Flex knees, be a little loose comfortable.
Go down to a low ball so can maintain level swing.
When pitcher starts to move, cock ourselves, looking at pitcher all the time and start swing into the ball.
Balance - weight evenly distributed on two feet.
Don't drop hands - hitch - at beginning of swing. Keep hands steady. Rather move back.
Shorter stride is faster and head moves less.
Hands fall back slightly, open hips hands following, wrists have not broken yet, wrists break then follow through.
Be quick with hands and wrists. Do pushups, chinups, squeezing balls to strengthen. But best of all get bat 10 ounces heavier than usual and keep swinging.
Hitting is science and art and the hardest thing to do in sports.
Always work on your game. Ted did finger tip pushups after games. In the batter's box he always watched pitcher. "That's what I learned from him. No matter how good you think you might be doing, there's always things you can do to improve."

"It's a pendulum action," Williams wrote. "A metronome--move and countermove. You might not have realized it, but you throw a ball that way, you swing a golf club that way, you cast a fishing rod that way. You go back, and then you come forward. You don't start back there. And you don't "start" your swing with your hips cocked."
Preparation gave him confidence. "I felt confident but never cocky," he said.
Always be ready for the fast ball.
He swung slightly up because the pitcher is pitching slightly down, so odds of making contact are greater.
Stay on balls of feet, not heels or you'll lose your power.
Bat according to your style and wait for a good pitch. As demonstrated by Williams’ legendary eye at the plate, which included 2,021 career walks and a major league record .482 on-base percentage, this rule was of great importance.
According to Williams, this was a lesson he learned from Rogers Hornsby, the man he considered to be the greatest all-around hitter - style, power, smarts - he ever saw play. Many ballplayers attempt to abide by the rule of only swinging at strikes and laying off balls out of the strike zone, but Williams took this concept to another level. Williams knew his swing so well, that he knew which areas of the strike zone were most beneficial to swing at and would produce the greatest results. Most important thing, look for good pitch. After have two strikes, have to give more to the pitcher so don't become strikeout king.
Don't stand too far back in the box because curve and breaking balls have their movement there and you still have to cover the plate. Stand even with plate.
Let pitcher throw first pitch so you can see him. If everyone did that, by 3rd inning he's pitched a game.
Use a short quick stride in the box.
Stand 12 inches from plate.
Get a good ball to hit, think properly and be quick with the bat.
Be quick with hands and wrists so can wait longer to see pitch.
Be in balance at all times in batter's box.
Don't crowd plate so can cover plate and hit with more authority.
Grip the bat like you would an axe, arms in a V. (Start with tough attitude like you are going to chop something up with an axe.)
Get mad at the pitcher. "There's only one way to become a hitter. Go up to the plate and get mad. Get mad at yourself and mad at the pitcher."
Viewed pitchers as being stupid. I think it's true. Who else throws a hard ball at a person? Didn't like managers either. Called them useless pieces of furniture. "All managers are losers, they are the most expendable pieces of furniture on the face of the Earth."
Never let anyone monkey with your swing. "I know - I know all about you (Carl Yastrzemski). Look, kid, don't ever - ya' understand me? - don't ever let anyone monkey with your swing."
Anybody who has ever set foot in a batter’s box realizes the difficulty of squaring up a pitched ball. In order for a player to be successful at the plate, it’s imperative that they have a certain level of confidence. This is commonly established by an individual being prepared. Has a player spent enough time on their training? Have they developed quality muscle memory? If the answer is yes, a hitter should be able to set foot into the batter’s box with a clear mind and let their fundamentals take over.
You don't have to be a muscleman and you don't start with hips cocked, you use a pendulum, be quick, agile and use motion.
When you show them you can handle the inside pitch then they go back outside.
Don't crowd plate because lock yourself up.
With a lighter bat, you can wait longer to swing.

Apply all of this to being Torah observant.
Use your brain. Never surrender your brain, think for yourself (Rav Soloveitchik)
Wait for a good pitch. Don't just grab any yeshiva, shul, shiur, rabbi, derech, woman. Look for a good one. Even Shabbos invitations. Do you just go to any table and have to sit and listen to a moron for 2 hours? If don't get a good one, don't swing. Don't go.

Balls of feet - be in balance, don't be a weirdo who walks funny, playing a character, who feels odd, you have to feel normal (Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky)
Don't let anyone monkey with your swing, don't let anyone rewire your brain. (Rav Yaakov again)

Grib bat firm but not too tight. You take it seriously, but don't be rigid as a board, Don't be overserious. (Mishlei: don't be too righteous.)

Get mad: don't be a milk toast, just trusting everyone, not realizing they have yetzer haras.

"You have to hit the fastball to play in the big leagues." Be alert and ready for challenges. Don't be naïve (Rav Soloveitchik: people today experience religion like children.)

Do your homework. Become educated. Know about history, halacha, philosophy.

Ted's advice on hitting showed incredible wisdom and he was incredibly successful: Slugging percentage 2nd in history .6338 and on base percentage 1st .482. 

More on Ted: "Did they tell me how to pitch to (Ted) Williams? Sure they did. It was great advice, very encouraging. They said he had no weakness, won't swing at a bad ball, has the best eyes in the business, and can kill you with one swing. He won't hit anything bad, but don't give him anything good." - Bobby Shantz

Ted was the last baseball player to hit .400 in the major leagues. Ted's career hitting statistics will stand forever as a monument to his complete mastery of the single most difficult thing to do in sport: .344 lifetime batting average, 521 home runs, 1,839 RBIs and 2,654 hits. 

Why do I love Ted Williams so much. It's this. If I had applied his wisdom of hitting to my life, I would have had an entirely different life. What is the message here? It's that your style matters. You don't steam roll over yourself. You are a unique soul so how can you let yourself be trampled upon and stamped out. Ted not only looked for strikes but strikes he liked to hit. Bat according to your style and look for a good pitch. So when you come into the Torah world you have to be careful, have to go slow. Because the culture is very odd and the Torah is odd too and takes a long time to get used to. And you have to do it in a way you can deal with. People everywhere pressure you to adopt a derech and get a rav. All of that is not batting according to your style and waiting for a good pitch. Better to apply Rav Yaakov's advice to kiruv people, which is just let them keep mitzvos now. Don't rewire their brains. Same with your approach to yourself. Now you keep mitzvos. Don't rewire your brain or let it be bashed around. So when the yeshiva world mocks everything - Soloveitchik, Chabad and everything else - and hits you with its very depressing outlook on life, tries to overtake your brain with its coarse negativity, just say no. Don't swing at that. Ted was bold yet flexible. Strong yet quick, agile. Amazing wisdom in his baseball. 

From Ted:

Get A Good Ball To Hit - The first rule in the book that Rogers Hornsby originally impressed on me long ago. 

You can see in the strike zone picture what I considered my happy areas, where I consistently hit the ball hard for high averages, and the areas graded down to those spots I learned to lay off, especially that low pitch on the outside 3 ½ inches from the plate. Ty Cobb once said, “Ted Williams sees more of the ball than any man alive - but he demands a perfect pitch. He takes too many bases on balls.” I didn’t resent that. I had 20-10 vision. A lot of guys can see that well. I couldn’t “see” the bat hit the ball, but I knew by the feel of it. A good carpenter doesn’t have to see the head of the hammer strike the nail but he still hits it square every time. A hitter learns in time where his happy zones are. There isn’t a hitter living who can hit a high ball as well as he can a low, or visa-versa, or outside as well as inside. All hitters have areas they like to hit in. But you can’t beat the fact that you’ve got to get a good ball to hit.

Proper Thinking. The second rule that you must always take up there with you. Have you done your homework? What’s this guy’s best pitch? What did he get you out on last time? I remember one time Hal Newhouser of Detroit dusted me off, then struck me out on three pitches, the last one a sharp letter-high fast ball. When I came to the bench I was livid. Rip Russell made a crack, and I said, “Listen, I’ll bet five bucks if he throws the same pitch again I’ll hit it out.” Newhouser did, and I did. Proper thinking is 50 percent of effective hitting, and it is more than just doing your homework on a pitcher or studying the situation in a game. It is “anticipating”, too, when you are at the plate, and a lot of hitters will say that is college talk for “guessing” and some will be heard to say in a loud voice, “don’t do it!” They’re wrong. Guessing, or anticipating, goes hand in hand with proper thinking. A simple example: If a pitcher is throwing fast balls and curves and only the fast balls are in the strike zone, you would be silly to look for a curve, wouldn’t you? 

Be Quick With The Bat. The third rule applies all the time ~ there are several sections in my book, The Science of Hitting, that will help you with mechanics which you should read in conjunction with quickness to have complete understanding. Your practice time will make your mechanics automatic.

You have to think in terms of making everything quicker. How do you do that? You choke up a little bit. You quit trying to pull. You think more about that push swing, that 90-degree impact from the direction of the pitch. You think about hitting the ball back through the box. Joe DiMaggio, Joe Cronin, George Kell, Lou Boudreau, Harvey Kuenn - they could do it. Rod Carew, George Brett, Wade Boggs, Don Mattingly and Pete Rose are probably the most flexible hitters around today. When you’ve shortened up and quickened up, you can wait longer, you get fooled less, you become more consistent getting wood on the ball. Psychologically, becoming a good two-strike hitter inspires confidence. A batter knows he can still hit with authority.

The Baseball Bunch - Ted Williams - YouTube

Roy Firestone interviews Ted Williams - YouTube

didn't see combat in wwII

cleveland develped the ted williams shift, they stood in right field, But Ted Williams became the most well-known target. In fact, the "Ted Williams shift" -- an extreme version with six defenders stationed on the right half of the field -- was born when Indians player-manager Lou Boudreau tried it in July 1946.

he still hit there didn't want to swing out of strike zone and develop bad habits

kept true to his style

Texas Rangers vs The California Angels and Interview with Manager Ted Williams - April 1972 - YouTube

Williams, DiMaggio introduced in Toronto - YouTube

2008 ASG: 49 Hall of Famers join All-Star line-ups - YouTube

Ted Williams on What's My Line - YouTube

Pete Rose: Billy Hamilton said, look for the fast ball. You can adjust to anything else. 

Bad rabbis are the problem

As the blog title suggests, we are trying to do things differently here. And by differently, I mean as differently as we need to do. For me, being Torah observant has been a miserable experience. Somehow I have stayed, sort of. I know a slew of people who have left and I'm often on the fence too. But I'm willing to take drastic action to keep things going.

Interestingly, by drastic action I don't mean formulation of a whole new halacha. I know people who try that. Could be that's a way to go but frankly I don't even care enough to try that. Requires way too much work. I'm not looking for a new high, for maximal impact, for vibrancy, for something updated to better match the era. I don't even have enough hopes for the thing to want to do that. What I'm talking about is a different outlook because the one I have seen is negative and destructive and degrading. And I don't want to live like that anymore. I can't. 

To me, the fundamental problem is bad rabbis. Yes, things like washing before bread to stay in practice for Moshiach is really weird. But whatever. I can live with it. Same with not swimming on Shabbos because I might come to make a raft. So is the length of niddah day counting. It's too much. Length of birchos hamazon is too long. I know one guy who is trying to change that. Have fun trying. I'll just say it. I'd have to be much more knowledgeable to know where to change all that and I really don't enjoy halacha study enough to even begin to think about it.

But there's one thing I will change and that is the role rabbis play in my life. Now for many that's the most radical change of all. For most people, it's more unacceptable, shocking, horrible to say that rabbis can be pricks than it is to stop keeping Shabbos. Because rabbis have become the religion. They are the avodah zarah, the idols. 

Do they see themselves as idols? I think so in many cases. But largely the bad ones just like power and due in large part to the sickness that is called zionism they have no other way of earning a living except off of you. In israel boys are not allowed to work lest they lost their draft exemption. The real cause for unemployment of Charedim in israel is the israeli government - may its ministers spend eternity in hell - and the utter worship of the military there. So an entire culture of learning too much Torah has taken hold. By too much I mean people learning when they should be working. And the result of that is too much power for rabbis. It's a long schmooze. Let's just say that there's idol worship everywhere today - worship of rabbis, worship of the state of israel, worship of soldiers, worship of the military, and worship of the Torah. Idol worship. It's all idol worship. It's not subtle. It's so overt that it has become the culture. You might not notice it because it's so common, like a Roman polishing his statue.

So what about rabbis? Let's put it this way, an extremely high percentage of my encounters with rabbis were depressing and degarding. Who the heck are these people? Do they all go to obnoxiousness school? I know one rebbe at a local school who is generally nice to me, but he is a rarity. There is something very sick about rabbinical culture today.

I am not talking about the Moshe Feinstein's of the world. I never met him. Never met anyone from that generation; although I did see Shlomo Zalman Auerbach walking down the street once. And he seemed cool. I saw the Lubavitcher Rebbe a few times. No complaints. He was cool. Not talking about those people. Rav Soloveitchik, Rav Kamenetsky. Not talking about them. I have heard nice stories. And I will believe the stories.

I'm talking about the two seconds before Moshiach generation of rabbis, the pricks who only seem to seek to ruin you, to lord over you. I don't know what they are drinking - probably Brooklyn and Israeli culture ruined them all. Ever see the movie Saturday Night Fever? That's Brooklyn culture. It's low class, coarse, aggressive, profane, greedy, and selfish. Israeli culture is even worse. And unfortunately the frum world is dominated by those two sick places. Maybe that's the whole problem, that plus the two World Wars and Communism erasing what came before. 

So I could give you the long history, how nearly every piece of advice I ever got from any rabbi (much of the time it was not requested but voluntary delivered) just completely screwed me up. I'm talking about major life decisions, minor life decisions, and even decisions about how to look at life.

But I have journals for that. I won't bore  you with it. I ask you to look at your own life. Were rabbis ever helpful? I mean, could be. But I have heard many really scary stories.

Want to hear stupid? In a certain city in the mistake of israel, the charedi schools do not participate in the city ulpan because the influence is deemed negative. Only Chabad has enough sense to realize that if you don't teach the kids proper Hebrew you are going to drive them to insanity. Is the city ulpan so bad? Nah, it's alright. Biggest problem is the screaming israeli teachers. But that's standard in the mistake of israel. And what about these schools that don't participate. We have learned all about them in the last year, how utterly secular they are with their plays and their government this and that and tests and their honoring of secular politicians and their forcing every child on the Internet. They are so traife but too frum for ulpan. All these schools have rabbinic advisors and may even be run by clowns with the title rabbi before their names. None of them are really rabbis. It's all erev rav and just Brooklyn and israeli animalism.

Rabbis are not always the solution, sometimes they are the problem, that's my experience. Again, I'm talking about this era. What does every rabbi have in common -- in my experience, heartlessness. They are all opinions and smug certainty, and it will rub off on you. The irony is it's easy to get away from rabbis. In 35 years there was only one time a rabbi ever called my house to say hello and none have ever visited me. This includes when I moved into small towns and one shul towns. These people don't even know you exist so you can stay away from them easily really. Oh yeah, you'll hear their names. They'll speak between mincha and maariv. Here's a trick. Go to a yiddish speaking place where you won't understand anybody.  Protect your brain.

Rabbis today are an intelligentsia. Read Tom Sowell's book Intellectuals and Society. It talks about how intellectuals screw up the world with their crazy notions. Today's rabbis operate this way much of the time, maybe not absolutely all the time, but even a stopped clock is accurate twice a day.