Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The OJ cult

Of all the cults, Orthodox Judaism is the hardest to leave because the Torah is true and the soul knows it. If that's the case, then how is it a cult? And the answer is, it's not necessarily a cult. It can be a cult and the cult stuff latches on to the true stuff and it can take a long time to separate the two. As a result, people can experience OJ as if it is a cult for decades. The way out is to start thinking for yourself and that is not encouraged in the OJ world. They have more ways of disparaging your brain and telling you to be obedient than an Eskimo does of talking about snow. But after you have endured enough pain, you become kind of forced to shake that off and to start thinking. And that's when you start to leave the cult. A change overtakes you. Your thoughts become less pained and cloudy. You stop steamrolling your values and conscience. You become a real Jew.

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