Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Gemara, Gelt, Guilt, and Gadolim

Gemara lomdus: It's an inhuman outlook, that nothing matters in life other than Gemara lomdus. You hear it openly - "nothing else mattered," is a standard phrase. Often they try to use the Mishnah - "Talmud Torah c'neged culam," even though c'neged doesn't mean greater, it means 'next to,' 'adjacent to.' And Chazal say tzitzis and Shabbos and numerous other things are cneged culam. You hear that the world is nourishkite. It's all nonsense. They wipe out the whole world with one sweep of the arm. Anything you can mention they'll mock - Mozart, science, journalism, academia - all nonsense, all nothing. Even love they mock. You marry for good health and wealth so you can have lots of children that study Gemara lomdus. I heard a RY say that the yeshiva is the only place in the world with truth. Why would that be? All they study there is Gemara lomdus. At one yeshiva in NYC, a bachur started a Midrash Chaburah. Somebody in authority shut it down. They don't even study the halachos of the Gemara, which is the main purpose of it. Just the abstractions. Even mitzvos they mock. You hear, mitzvos are the floor, the minimum, mitzvos are easy to do, mitzvos are this thing you just gotta do - "you gotta do what you gotta do," I was told by one RY. All of this meets the cult criteria of us vs the world. we are the only ones with the truth, life control, knocking out individuality, wrapping oneself around simplistic ideology, thought stopping, corporate hierarchy, and isolation.

Gelt - you need lots of money to live as a Jew today. But contrary to the Gemara, they don't teach you a trade or let you learn one. They mock people who work. And those that go to work wind up paying 1/2 their salary in tuition  (in Chutz) to support those that don't. Isn't this what cults do, take your money, get you working all day for the cult? That's what I was doing, working a horrible job to get money for the cult. Every time I tried to switch to something more to my liking (as the Duties of the Heart says to do) they talked me out of it. Bachurim all over the place, even in the MO world, are racing around trying to figure out how to get rich.

Guilt - It's not over onas devarim or ruining people's lives or failure to do chesed. It's over bitul Torah and not giving enough money. And the price is burning hot hell or regrets even in Olam Haba. They terrorize you with that and they never let up. They achieve massive control via fear, like any dictatorship does. But many of the leaders have no such fear. Tell them they did something wrong and see if they care. This meets the cult criteria of phobia inducement and fear. 

Gadolim - You surrender your mind to guys who are good at Gemara lomdus. What if they contradict scholars of prior generations (like the Vilna Gaon)? Oh you must listen to the ones today. I'm guessing they said that in the Northern Kingdom too. Which ones? The ones that became famous. How did they become famous? Gemara lomdus. The RYs are the famous ones and you become a RY with Gemara lomdus. What about great lamdamin who don't go with their little pack? They get bounced and pounced. Rabbi Soloveitchik, Rav Herzog, Rav Kook, the Lub. Rebbe. There are plenty of others too. They are assaulted by pit bulls. I had a 'rav' who mocked those guys all day long. Ah but Rav Shach, that's who he liked. The one who stood up in a tennis stadium and spoke open lashon hara against klal Yisroel.

With the 4 G's they take total control of your life. They squash  your personality as badly as is done in any cult. The god is the right brain. They are no different from the scientist worshipers. They manipulate the Torah for their ends. It's really diabolical. 

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