Thursday, August 11, 2022

If it's good for the goose

Some people reading this blog are already going to call me an apikoris, so what the heck, I'll continue on with it. What is up with this?

He was completely subservient to the Gedolei Hador and his great Rabbeim, following their instructions with the greatest loyalty.

I understand that they are talking about his role in public affairs, but still it's kind of odd. Completely subservient? Wouldn't we do that only before God?

Obviously, I'm not commenting on the man, but rather the portrayal of him. 

Again and again we see, everything they accuse Chabad of doing, they do themselves.  

So let's say it's a good thing to be completely subservient to the Gedolei Hador, then it's OK for Chassidim as well, including Chabad. 

As the expression goes, if it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander. 

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