Wednesday, August 17, 2022

he worked with this young man at his level

 A story is told in the biography of Rav Avigdor Miller of a disheveled young man who wandered into one of Rav Miller’s shiurim. He appeared to be homeless. However, he started attending shiurim. Rav Miller bought him a new set of clothes, but incredibly they were clothes in the same style of what he liked to wear, namely blue jeans and t-shirts. Same style just clean. Even more amazing, when the young man would pull out a portable television set with an ear-piece and watch it between shiurim, Rav Miller instructed his gabbaim to let him be. For those who don’t know, Rav Miller was one of the most vocal critics of television. He told his mispallalim to toss their TVs out of their windows and many did exactly that. Yet, he worked with this young man at his level. When the youth eventually left, Rav Miller lamented that he probably didn’t do enough to help him.  And Rav Miller is known for his uncompromising overall hashkafa and frequently blunt manner of expression. Yet, he knew when to employ it and when not to.

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