Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Lesson #1 From These Holy Parshiyos:

Bitachon Weekly

Stories of Novardok

Lesson #1 From These Holy Parshiyos:

Love People!

Look at Yaakov Avinu’s warmth, and how he calls himself a

brother [not a nephew] to Lavan! This is similar to Avraham

Avinu, who said to his nephew, Lot: כִּי אֲנָשִׁים אַחִים אֲנָחְנוּ לך יג

ח We are brothers. Look at the striking similarity between

Yaakov and Avraham, and how they were both full of love for

humans. As soon as Yaakov saw Anshei Charan, he said: אַחַי

מֵאַיִן אַתֶּם כט ד My brother’s, where are you from? And at

the end of the Parsha, he called his own sons: אֶחָיו brothers.


Look how every human being was like a brother to the

Avos! How we need to learn LESSON #1 from these holy

Parshiyos: Love people! They are all Tzelem Elokim! They are

all holy and precious! We need to review this throughout our

lives, and to learn how to love and be in awe and respect all

those humans we see in the street, instead of viewing them

like just another “number”, or Chas V'shalom being

apathetic, or even hating or being critical of them!


But how can we love people if we are busy being afraid of

them?? I recommend plenty of hard work in doing Novardoker

Pratim when you keep downplaying all those scary humans in

your life, and Davka going against your nature by public

speaking [and even private speaking, like saying hello to a

person who scares you].

Then it will be much easier for us to automatically love them!

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To hear Vadim from Rabbi Mandel; Kol Haloshon 718-906-6400 1,4,93 also on TorahAnytime.com

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