Tanya Lesson
Cheshvan 20, 5783 · November 14,
HaKodesh, middle of Epistle 29
The Alter Rebbe now goes on to explain that in addition to
this function of mitzvot as garments for the soul, they also
serve to unite the sublime spiritual level of Keter, with the
physical objects with which the commandments are performed. As such,
they resemble pillars that connect the highest part of a house with the
והנה רצון
העליון ב"ה מכונה ונקרא בפי חכמי האמת בשם כתר עליון ובו תר"ך
עמודי אור וכו'
Now the Supernal Will is termed and referred to by
the Kabbalists1 as Keter Elyon
["the Supreme Crown"]. In it there are 620 pillars of light,2 620 being the numerical equivalent of the Hebrew word Keter.
פי' דרך
משל כמו שיש עמודים בבית חומה גדול נצבים בארץ וראשם מחובר בתקרה
That is, by way of analogy, just as in a large
brick house3 there are pillars
standing in the ground and their apex is connected with the ceiling,thereby connecting the lowest part of the house with the
ככה ממש
עד"מ כתר עליון ב"ה הוא למעלה מבחי' מדרגת החכמה
precisely so, metaphorically speaking, the Supernal
Keter transcends the level of Chochmah,which is the first and highest of the inner Sefirot.
והוא מלשון
כותרת שהוא מכתיר ומקיף על המוחין שבראש שהם בחי' חב"ד
[The word Keter] is related to koteret
"[capital]",4 for it surrounds and
encompasses over the brains in the head, i.e.,the faculties of ChaBaD
– the faculties of Chochmah, Binah and Daat.
ורצון זה
נתלבש בתרי"ג מצות התורה וז' מצות דרבנן שרובם ככולם הן מצות מעשיות
This [Supernal] Will is vested in the 613
commandments of theTorah and the seven precepts of the Sages,
practically all of which are operative commandments.I.e., their performance involves physical action, which
represents the lower or corporeal aspect of the lowest of the four
spiritual "worlds", the World of Asiyah ("the World of Action".
התלויות בדבור
And even those commandments [such as verbalized
Torah study]that depend upon speech, nevertheless, even though speech is more spiritual than
physical action, they too belong to the category of practical action,
קיי"ל דעקימת שפתיו הוי מעשה
for we have an accepted halachic principle that5 "the movement of
one's lips [in speech] is regarded as an act."
התלויות במחשבה או בלב
And even those commandments relating to thought or
to the heart, such as the
commandments regarding the love and awe of G-d, are also considered as
physical acts.
הרי המצוה
ניתנה לאדם הגשמי שבעוה"ז דוקא
For the commandments6
were given only to physical man in this [physical] world,
שהוא בעל
בחירה להטות לבבו לטוב וכו'. משא"כ הנשמה בלא גוף א"צ לצותה
because he has the choice to turn his heart to
good, and so on.7 The soul without a body,
however, need not be commanded about this.
שהמצות הן עד"מ כמו העמודים נצבים מרום המעלות הוא רצון העליון
ב"ה עד הארץ הלזו החומרית
Thus it follows that the commandments,
metaphorically speaking, are like pillars that stand [and connect] from
the highest of levels, viz., the Supernal Will, to this material world.
עד"מ כמו העמודים חלולין שמקיפין ומלבישין נשמת האדם או רוחו או נפשו
כשמקיים המצות
Metaphorically speaking, they are like hollow
pillars that encompass and garb [with the garment of mitzvot]
man's Neshamah,or Ruach, or Nefesh, when he
fulfills the commandments.
עמודים אלו עולין הנר"ן שלו עד רום המעלות לצרור בצרור החיים את ה'.
פי' להיות צרורות ומלובשות באור הכתר הוא רצון העליון ב"ה
By way of these pillars [of the mitzvot],
his Nefesh, Ruach and Neshamah [abbreviated naran]
ascend to the highest of levels, to be bound up8
"in the bond of life with G-d," that is, to be bound up and
vested in the light of Keter, which is the Supernal Will, the highest level of all the worlds.
לבוש זה יוכלו לחזות בנועם ה' וצחצחות שלמעלה ממעלת הכתר והן פנימיותו
And by means of this garment they are able to
behold the "pleasantness of G-d" and the "pleasurable
thirst" which transcend the level of Keter and,
metaphorically speaking, are its pnimiyut.I.e., the "pleasantness of G-d" and the
"pleasurable thirst "are the inner core of the light of Keter, which transcends all worlds.
שנתבאר במ"א שהמצות הן פנימיות רצון העליון ב"ה
9(Though it is explained elsewhere that the
commandments are the pnimiyut i.e., the innermost element] of the Supernal Will, while
here it is explained that they are merely the external aspect of Keter, i.e., the external aspect of the Supernal Will,
הנה מודעת
זאת לי"ח ריבוי בחי' ומדרגות שיש בכל בחי' ומדרגה ממדרגות הקדושה
those adept in the Hidden Wisdom [i.e., Kabbalah]
are well acquainted with the multitude of aspects and levels within
every aspect and level among the various levels of holiness.
כמה בחי'
פנים לפנים וכמה בחי' אחוריים לאחוריים לאין קץ וכו')
There are numerous aspects of "face to
face," meaning (since panim is related to pnimiyut) that relative to a particular
spiritual level, another level is even more "internal", or
nearer to the Essence], and
there are numerous aspects of "externality to externality," meaning the reverse, without end....)
Thus, relative to the internal level of the Supernal Will
spoken about here, mitzvot are only termed "external",
whereas in another context, when compared to a lower level, they are
deemed the "internal" aspect of the Supernal Will.
* * *
The Alter Rebbe above called the commandments the 620
pillars of light of Keter. How does this agree with his
previous statement, that the 613 garments of the mitzvot
correspond to the 613 soul-powers?
The Alter Rebbe now answers that the seven commandments of
the Sages (which bring the total to 620) are not self-sufficient mitzvot,
but are branches of the Scriptural commandments from which they
respectively derive. The soul thus has 613 garments that derive from
the 613commandments, the Rabbinic mitzvot included. These
garments garb the 613 powers of the soul.
והנה ז'
מצות דרבנן אינן נחשבות מצות בפני עצמן שהרי כבר נאמר לא תוסף
Now, the seven precepts of the Sages are not
counted as commandments in themselves, for it has been said,10 "You shall not add
[to the commandments]."
אלא הן
יוצאות ונמשכות ממצות התורה וכלולות בהן במספר תרי"ג להלביש
תרי"ג בחי' וכחות שבנר"ן האדם
Rather, they derive and issue from the commandments
of the Torah, and are included in them in the sum of 613
[commandments], which garb the 613 aspects and powers in the Nefesh,
Ruach, and Neshamah of man.
It was previously stated that the mitzvot are
like 613 hollow pillars that encompass and garb the Neshamah,
or Ruach, or Nefesh of the individual who performs
the commandments. It is through these pillars that the soul rises to
the greatest of heights, and is bound up in the radiance of Keter.
Additionally, it is through the garment of the mitzvot that
the soul is able to behold "the pleasantness of G-d" and to
experience the "pleasurable thirst" that transcend even the pnimiyut
of Keter.
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