Thursday, April 27, 2023

shimusha shel Torah


[Parallel to the obligation to study the Torah, there is an ideal called shimusha shel Torah, which in this context means a total and loving involvement in everything that the Torah stands for.]

“The study of Torah and shimusha shel Torah are not only of equal importance, but in our generation we have clearly seen the tremendous moral deficiency that results from abstract study alone. Even in the eyes of those who cherish the text of the Torah, and believe in its holiness, it is like a body without a soul. Thus, Chazal have said that sometimes shimusha shel Torah outweighs the study itself, since it is specifically shimusha shel Torah that upholds the study.”

The Frierdiker Rebbe then speaks of the importance of shimusha shel Torah that is communicated through chassidishe stories and at chassidishe farbrengens, and the superiority of genuine feeling (regesh) over understanding. He then concludes:

“Even the external honor of the Torah with its great beauty and the multitude of people can arouse the feelings of the soul, like all matters of beauty and splendor. Besides this, the glory and honor of the Torah arouse the pintele Yid that is present within every man and woman. This arousal is precious in itself, and can spark an arousal of teshuva that will bring a person to choose the ways of Torah and mitzvos.”

(אג"ק אדהריי"צ ח"ו ע' עג ואילך)

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