Tuesday, January 15, 2013

ALL the Mitzvot

Wandering between two worlds, one dead
The other powerless to be born,
With nowhere yet to rest my head
Like these, on earth I wait forlorn.

     Matthew Arnold

In our times, we are divided into groups, maybe as never before. Each group has mitzvot it keeps, those it ignores, and those it rejects. Some ignore tzniut, staying away from the gentiles in their negative ways, seriousness of demeanor, kedushah, marrying young, and dressing with dignity. Some ignore humility, greeting people with a smile, compassion and compassion for all of God's creatures, betzelem elokim in the sense of respect for people's individual minds as God created them, stumbling block in the sense of not giving people bad advice, bearing grudges, and using the seichel. I don't accuse everyone of course just widening swaths of the groups.

Increasingly the right is giving all the impression that Torah study is the only mitzvah. There are 613 mitzvahs. We need them all to become complete people.

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