Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Fire and brimstone

The gehonim talk is powerful medicine and it has side effects, said Rabbi Miller. One of them is it doesn't work in the long haul. I did all kinds of things in my frum career for fear of going to hell. I became miserable because I lost all touch of my needs and my interests. I just didn't want to go to hell. Thus, I started wishing I were dead because I was so miserable and wanted to just die clean. I knew I couldn't hold out much longer. No, hell talk is not enough. Besides that, Christians and Moslems also threaten me with hell. Hindus do as well. Even Nietzsche did it with his theory of eternal re-occurrence. One must present more than threats of hell to attract people to religion. Of course, I sense many, even in kiruv, don't really care if they attract anyone. They just enjoy terrifying others with threats. Copyright 2012. You may link or copy.

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