Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Frum Off the Derech?

I offer you two simple lines:

Speaker at the siyum haShas: "Torah study isn't just another mitzvah."  - Reform Judaism? Antinomianism? Do we not value mitzvot anymore?

"Everything else in the world is imaginary." - Hinduism? Hashem didn't make a real world where our actions matter? When I was in India I become quite upset by how the Indians ignored all the poor street kids running around in their filth and bare feet. "It's all imaginary," my Indian coworkers assured me. That's how they view the world. It's an illusion so pain isn't really pain, injustice isn't really injustice. Your job is to see how it's imaginary. That's what they'll tell you.

But such are the ways of antinomian outlooks. Torah is different. The Lord is One means that He is not divorced from the world. Rather He cares about it and runs it. Just as He is involved with the world so should we be. We just channel our actions through mitzvot that all. All mitzvot are wonderful. Torah study is one of them. Rabbi Joseph Solvoeitchik explained the meaning of "Talmud Torah c'neged culam" is meaning that Torah study connects you to the other mitzvot by teaching you about them.

1 comment:

Yisrael said...

Hi, there's a follow by email tool on the blog. I'll move it to the top of the page.

Thanks for writing.