Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Gemara as religion?

Shapell’s Student Spotlight: Independent Skills for Lifelong Learning - YouTube

Shapell’s Student Spotlight: From Berkely to Jerusalem - YouTube

Darche Noam Couples Fellowship Spotlight: Learning Together, Building Together - YouTube

I'm curious why are these newcomers to the Jewish religion only talking about Gemara learning? Are they not taking on mitzvos? Aren't they learning about God? What about Shabbos? Why are they only excited about Gemara learning? 

And over at the women's school of Darche Noam, again, it's all about learning, deciphering the text. What about mitzvos? Is this what frum women do with their lives -- scholarship?


I'm pretty sure I didn't hear the word God even once in any of these four videos. 

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