Monday, August 28, 2023

the weak ones - BITACHON WEEKLY

 It’s The Weak Ones Who Can Learn the Art of Thankfulness The Parsha of Bikkurim comes right after the the מ ְח ְי ְיתְ ע ְמ ְל ְק :remember to Mitzva annihilation of Amalek. We can suggest that the main hatred against Amalek is because they picked on the ים ל ש ֱחֶנ weak ones. Now, Hashem loves the weak ones, especially. ** ים ל ש ֱחֶנ refers to those who are weak because of their sins. (Rashi 1 ). But as long as he’s trying to climb and move forward, he’s the kind of person that Hashem created the world for. Hashem has plenty of Malachim who work on automatic-pilot to do His will perfectly. It’s the weak ones that give Hashem Nachas Ruach from His world. *** Someone who doesn’t feel like such a success, doesn’t have too much Ga'ava; he feels humbled. A humble person has good Middos. My Rebbe once saw a crippled goy, and he said: “Look how “Eidel” he is.” A humbled person is more kind. I once saw by the DMV that all the people who came for a road test failed. A different time everyone passed, because this time the one in charge was a cripple, with more Rachmanus. The Germans, Y'mach Sh’mam, were full of Ga'ava. They didn’t feel the need to come on to Hashem. They felt like they had everything under their own control. **** They would not tolerate any “weak ones”. They got rid of older and non-able-bodied people, even of their own. A handicapped or 1 רש"יְעה"פְכ לְה נֶחֱ ש ל יםְא חֲרֶ יךְ )כהְיח(ְ חסרי כח מחמת חטאם ְ,שהיהְהענןְפולטןְ. crippled German was killed. Their Shita was that theirs was the perfect race, and the whole rest of the world must go under, so that they can rule the world with their German precision. ***** Amalek is at war with ים ל ש ֱחֶנ the weak, and as long as Amalek is still around, the name of Hashem and the אְ סְ כ throne of Hashem is not complete. Because as long as there are ים ל ש ֱחֶנ weak ones, Hashem has “His” people in this world. They are the ones who feel helpless without Hashem. It’s the weak ones who can learn the art of thankfulness. So respect those “Nebachs”. Many Tzadikim were very involved Davka with ים ִל ָׁשֱחֶנ” weak” types. And thank Hashem for all your weaknesses, in Ruchaniyus and in Gashmiyus, and don’t look down at others, like Amaleikim do, Chas V'shalom. ****** Because he is humbled, therefore he can be thankful. Only an Anav can admit that he is dependent on Hashem, and only he can be thankful. Also, a weak one will appreciate what he is given, so he realizes that he has what to be grateful for. ******* People who were “put through the wringer” can come out feeling closer to Hashem more than anyone else. As we see so many people who had Yissurim become special people, cleansed and pure, with a certain Eidelkeit that you don’t see by others.

so compare this to those who are obsessed with the top bochur and the rich baalei batim

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