Monday, September 9, 2013

Love of God, How?

Even though the Rambam says to look at nature to develop love of God, much of the Haredi world attempts to look only at Torah. (R' Miller is a notable exception). But they restrict the Torah. It's mostly Gemara learned rapidly through daf yomi or Brisker derech yeshivish mesechtot, often delivered in terrible English in manner that's intentionally confusing for the purposes of showing off. Then they throw a bit of Chumash on top, usually with the intenion of pushing Haredi agendas.

So how much faith are you going to get from that?

What people do instead in many cases is develop a kind of worshop of gadolim. They can't connect to God so gadol figures become a kind of replacement. This is why you can't question them. They are like gods. Their faces become key. Their photos essential. If you express your disinterest in these figures people look at you as if you can't possible get into the kingdom of heaven without giving yourself to the gadol.

That's why they resort to terrifying people like I saw over Rosh hashana. Much of the Haredi world doesn't have a good way of inspiring love of God.

Remind you of any other religions?

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