Tuesday, September 17, 2013

the most intimate union between Judaism, total, unadulterated Judaism, and the spirit of all true science and knowledge

Rav Hirsch (Coll. Writings, Vol. VI, p. 392-3): 'Ever since we have begun to make our modest contribution to the Jewish cause by speech, pen and deed, it was and is our wholehearted endeavor to present and advocate the most intimate union between Judaism, total, unadulterated Judaism, and the spirit of all true science and knowledge…we maintain that our whole future, with all ideological and social problems the solution of which is eagerly awaited by mankind, belongs to Judaism, full, unabridged Judaism…because we can view the welfare and future of Judaism only in the framework of the most intimate union with the spirit of true science and knowledge, of every age, we are the most outspoken foes of all false science and knowledge, foes of every attempt, in the guise of science, to lay the ax to the roots of our Jewish Sanctuary…for if there were no alternative and we had only the choice between Judaism and Science, then there simply would be no choice and every Jew would unhesitatingly make his decision…rather to be a Jew without Science than Science without Judaism. But, thank G-d, this is not the case…' "

Cited in Rabbi Pinchas Frankel

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