Sunday, September 1, 2013

Ramban: Action is Key

“Torah should always be learned diligently, so you will be able to fulfill it's commands. When you arise from your learning reflect carefully on what you have studied, in order to see what in it that you can be put into practice.”

Ramban, letter to his son


Anonymous said...

So then why do we hear so often in the Yeshiva world that Torah study is supposed to be "Lishma" -for it's own sake. But the Ramban makes more sense - the idea of learning for the sake of learning never sat well with me.

Yisrael said...

I believe Rav Chaim Volozhin popularized that idea. It's not so old. But when he said it, it wasn't meant to exclude action. Action was pashut to him. Of course, we cherish all mitzvos, he would say. This idea of Torah without action is a very recent problem.