Thursday, January 19, 2023

Following the gadolim

Sounds very idealistic, no? Appeals to your innate desire for humility, no?

Mostly it's a tool of manipulation. You are not going to humble yourself to some clown down the street, but to a great man? We hear that word tossed around in the frum world - great. This one is great. That one is great. That's what gadol means. To him you'll submit.

But you never meet him, that great man. If you are lucky, you get a five minute encounter twice in your life. However, the mantra - follow the gadolim, subdues your mind. Then steps in the clown down the street. He was close to the gadol - or so he tells you. He'll be the conduit to the greatness. He's one of 1,000 that claims closeness to the gadol. And he claims to have absorbed all the teachings.

You have no idea if either claim is true, and probably neither is true at all. But the swap has been made. You thought you were marrying one girl, but they slipped in another at the last minute. 

Bait and switch as always in the frum world.  

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