Saturday, January 14, 2023

Torah from Belz

This week’s Vort – פרשת שמות

ותקרא שמו משה (שמות ב:ו)

And she called him by the name Moshe

Moshe Rabbeinu had ten names; if so, why does the Torah refer to him by the name of Moshe? Especially if Basya, the daughter of Pharaoh, named him this name, why does Hashem refers to him by this name?

The Torah wants to teach us the value of an act of chessed - doing kindness to someone. Basya gave the name” משה - כי מן המים משיתהו”- because I pulled him out of the water - which was an act of חסד

The name
משה רבינו and the word בגמילת חסדים are both equivalent to 613 – the amount of mitzvahs in the Torah.  This comes to prove that all mitzvahs revolve around chessed.


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